Role-Specific Trainings
The following online opportunities are developed for Office Staff
Q Student Information System Intro - This video gives you some of the basic navigation and tips for those who have never used the Q Student Information System before.
Tutorial 1 - Enrolling a Student - This tutorial begins the process of enrolling a student.
Tutorial 2 - Enrolling a Student - Starting where we left off, this tutorials completes the process of enrolling a student.
Tutorial 3 - Maintenance, Summer School, and More - This tutorial goes through maintenance of student data and enrollments, withdrawal and transfer of students, summer school enrollment, pre-enrollment and re-enrollment.
Pre-Enrollment/Re-Enrollment/Annual Update/Info Update
Q Pre-Enrollment for Office Staff - This video is a brief overview on how office staff handle pre-enrollments in Q.
Q Pre-Enrollment Process Documentation - This document gives detailed instructions of how the process of Pre-Enrollment is done by those enrolling students. Some details may differ in relation to your LEA procedures.
Q Annual Update and Info Update for Office Staff - This video gives an overview of the Annual Update (also known as ReEnrollment or 1st day packets) and the Info Update for Office Staff.
Q PreEnrollment Cleanup - This video gives an overview on how to cleanup PreEnrollments en masse using the Process Manager Application.
Q Teacher Attendance Video - This attendance video is recommended for teachers at all grade levels.
Q Student and Class Engagements - This video goes over Student and Class Engagements applications in Q.
CA District-Wide Attendance Report - This video shows the calculation and running of the reports related to J-18/19 reporting.
Scheduling Videos
Q Mass Schedules - This video tutorial will take you through the process of using the Mass Schedule tool in Q.
Q Assign Students - This video tutorial will take you through the process of using the Assign Students application in Q.
Q Student Schedules - This video tutorial will take you through the Student Schedules Application in Q.
Mail Merge Applications - *Video Currently Unavailable* This video gives an overview of the Mail Merge Applications in Q.
Work Based Learning Video - This video gives an overview on how to add Activity Records for Work Based learning State Reporting.
Intro to Q for Teachers Documentation

VCOE Teacher Software and Technology Guide

Online Training for Teachers
Our online training for teachers is intended to provide you with the most streamlined training possible. The following educational offerings are available for teachers:
Online Q Gradebook Training - Online tutorials combined with a scheduled live training help you receive training and best practices on Q Gradebook. Click on the Gradebook Online Training for more information.
Q Teacher Attendance - Online tutorial specifically aimed at teachers in regard to taking attendance.
Q Student Information System Intro - This video gives you some of the basic navigation and tips for those who have never used the Q Student Information System before.
Q Student and Class Engagements - This video demonstrates the new Student Engagements software recently added by the vendor to assist teachers with managing Student Engagement during Distance Learning and Hybrid learning.
Google Classroom Import into Q Gradebook - This video will take you through the process of importing your Google Classroom in Q Gradebook.
Q Intro to Q Teacher Training (Using Canvas) - Learn about Q and earn a badge with this great self-paced training aimed at Teachers! Learn everything from Basics of Q and reports! Register online at
Online Student Enrollment and Annual Update
Instructional Videos for Parent/Guardians
Please note that these videos are generalized and are not specific to the LEA that your student may be enrolling with. They are intended to give you an overview on how to use the Online New Student Enrollment (also known as PreEnrollment) and Online Annual Update (also known as ReEnrollment or 1st Day Packets) applications in Q SIS. If you have specific questions, you should contact your Local Educational Agency for further information.
Q PreEnrollment for Parents/Guardians - This video will give an overview on Online Enrollment of a new student using the Q PreEnrollment Application.
Q Annual Update/ReEnrollment for Parents/Guardians - This video will give an overview on the Annual Update of information for students using the ParentConnect application.