Role-Specific Trainings


The following online opportunities are developed for Office Staff

Pre-Enrollment/Re-Enrollment/Annual Update/Info Update


Intro to Q for Teachers Documentation

Q for Teachers.pdf

VCOE Teacher Software and Technology Guide

VCOE - Teacher Technology Guide.pdf

Online Training for Teachers

Our online training for teachers is intended to provide you with the most streamlined training possible.  The following educational offerings are available for teachers:


Online Student Enrollment and Annual Update 

Instructional Videos for Parent/Guardians

Please note that these videos are generalized and are not specific to the LEA that your student may be enrolling with.  They are intended to give you an overview on how to use the Online New Student Enrollment (also known as PreEnrollment) and Online Annual Update (also known as ReEnrollment or 1st Day Packets) applications in Q SIS.  If you have specific questions, you should contact your Local Educational Agency for further information.