Fine Motor Activity Lists

Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. Kids use fine motor skills to do many school-related tasks.

During fine motor sessions, try to work on one activity for 15 minutes. Here is a list of suggested fine motor activities to do during the fine motor block.

Make fall sensory bin- fill bin with rice, oatmeal, beans, corn, etc. then place fall items (acorns, pine cones, fake spiders, fake pumpkins, etc.) in the sensory bin. Encourage your child to explore and play.

Make rainbow spaghetti. Cook spaghetti and place in several ziploc bags. Add food coloring and a bit of water. Mix. Then, rinse each bag under water. Place in sensory bin for play.

String beads on pipe cleaners or string

Cut play-doh

Sort pom poms by color using tweezers

Count pumpkin seeds- use pincer grasp to pick up seeds

Make a bracelet with beads- string on pipe cleaner

Pumpkin pre-writing: use small pumpkins, beads, play-doh balls, pom poms etc to 'trace' the pattern

Use tweezers or tongs to place small objects in egg container

'Fish' for items in small bowl water using tweezers

Match clothespins to paint chips

Make a sticker board- post lines on paper on wall and use stickers to 'trace' it

Glue small objects to paper on lines

Play with legos or building blocks

Separate play-doh into small balls and smoosh it with fingers (practice isolating fingers)

Use hold punches to punch holes in paper or paint chips

Color with broken crayons (helps with correct grasp)- allow kids to color on stomach on floor- helps build muscle strength

Make farm sensory bin using corn or rice

Make farm tracks on strips of paper. Dip animals in paint to make tracks