
Scholarships are financial support awarded to help students further their education. A scholarship can be awarded based on academic achievement or other criteria, such as financial need, an organization you are in, studying a specific field, being an athlete, or any other guidelines the scholarship group decides upon. 

Start early if you plan on applying for scholarships. Get good grades in high school to help you meet minimum scholarship requirements and help make your application more competitive. Get involved in your school and local community. School and local community involvement shows that you are well-rounded, and students who are well-rounded have the best chance of receiving scholarships. 

Scholarship Timeline:

Step 1: Create an academic resume that lists your school activities, awards/honors, community involvement, and employment. Keeping this information in one location will help when filling out multiple scholarship applications. Add to your academic resume as you progress through high school so you do not forget anything.

Step 2: Start researching scholarships during your junior year or beginning of your senior year. See below for links to scholarship websites. 

Step 3: Keep track of all scholarship requirements and deadlines by creating a spreadsheet or calendar. 

Scholarship FAQs:

How do I apply for scholarships? 

Each scholarship has its own application process. Different scholarships can require different things, such as an essay, a letter of recommendation, a transcript, or test scores. Carefully review each scholarship to make sure all required documents are submitted prior to the scholarship deadline. 

Who can qualify for scholarships? 

Scholarships are not only awarded to students with a high GPA. Scholarships can be awarded based on a variety of things. Regardless of whether you excel in academics or sports, you should be able to find scholarships that you are eligible for, so apply for as many scholarships as possible. 

What should I do if I do not get awarded a scholarship? 

Keep searching for scholarships and do not get discouraged. Students can apply for scholarships while attending college. Students can also explore other financial aid options, such as work-study programs, grants, and student loans. 

Where can I find scholarships? 

Complete the Class of 2024 Profile here and ACCESS can help you search for scholarships.

Scholarships search: 

For questions about scholarships, please contact Mrs. Delaney in the school counseling office at