Classroom Expectations

Here are some things that will help you be successful in science class:

1. Come into every class with a smile, good attitude, and ready to have fun and learn!

2. Bring pencil, binder, and paper to every class. If any other materials are needed they will be listed on the white board outside the classroom door. Revisits to your locker will not be allowed.

3. Pen or pencil may be used on homework, quizzes, and tests but only pencil should be used on labs. (We will make mistakes!)

4. A “science” section should be in your 3-ring binder where all science work is kept for each unit. All assignments should be kept in order according to the table of contents (T.O.C.). Every page in the T.O.C. should have your name, date, bell, and page number. Old units should be taken out of the binder and kept at home.

5. Bell ringers will be put in a “Science Speak” spiral notebook or journal that is kept in class.

6. The online textbooks can be found at:

· Username: goldenknightsscience

· Password: science1

7. If you are absent it is your responsibility to come into the classroom the day you return, pick up any missing assignments in the “absent” binder, and write your homework in your planner. Graded makeup work will be accepted up to week 8 of the same grading period.

8. Homework counts for 5% of your grade. All homework is expected to be completed even though not all will be graded. Completing the homework will help you understand the material taught. Missing or incomplete homework assignments will be noted next to that assignment in the planner. Late homework will not be accepted and zeros will be given for homework not done if we discussed the answers in class.

9. All other assignments count for 95% of your grade. Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance. Quizzes are counted twice and tests are counted four times so study hard! Study guides will be given and must be completed for all tests and quizzes. Students will have the opportunity to retake summative tests if a “Preparation Plan” provided by the teacher is followed.

10. Zeros will be given for work not handed in, however, all attempts will be made to ensure work is handed in. You will be inconvenienced if it is not completed on time so do it the first time.

11. Extra credit may be offered. If offered, it will be for the entire class. There are often extra credit questions on tests and quizzes.

12. Goggles will be worn for all labs in class.

13. Cell phones - Our classroom is a red zone. Cell phones and other devices are not permitted in class and are expected to be kept in your locker unless noted by the teacher. This may be different from your other classes so check with each teacher for their rules.


Golden Knights intro and science class rules letter 2017-18.pdf

The units we will learn about in Core science this year:

Core units open house.pptx

The units we will learn about in Advanced science this year:

Adv units open house.pptx