
Application Process

Gifted services are available in Virginia Beach City Public Schools at all levels through both site-based and city-wide programs.

A teacher, a parent/guardian, a peer, the student support team, the student, or any person who has knowledge of the student's abilities may initiate an application for gifted services by contacting the me, the Gifted Resource Teacher at LHS, or by completing an online gifted application will be available throughout the 2019-2020 school year here. We have two testing dates throughout the school year during the fall and spring, so it is never too late to complete an application.

In addition, the division screens all first and fifth graders to ensure consideration for gifted services. Parents or guardians can obtain screening results by accessing the child’s Parent Portal account and navigating to the Standardized Test Results tab.

Eligibility and Identification

Student eligibility for citywide gifted services is determined through the use of multiple criteria. Students must demonstrate potential for exceptional performance and academic needs that cannot be met through general education curriculum. VBCPS identifies students in the areas of:

  • General Intellectual Aptitude (advanced aptitudes demonstrated by skills and creative expression in general intellectual ability); and
  • Visual and Performing Arts Aptitude (specific aptitudes in selected visual or performing arts demonstrated by skills and creative expression and excelling consistently in the development of a product or performance in any of the visual and/or performing arts).

Screening and Placement

Once a student has been tested, data is compiled and forwarded to an identification and placement committee that determines eligibility for gifted services. Criteria for selection include a combination of:

  • Academic achievement
  • Achievement test scores
  • Teacher information
  • Parent checklist of behaviors
  • Ability test scores
  • Audition or portfolio (visual and performing arts programs)

Parents or guardians are notified of the committee's decision by mail. Information is also available in Parent Portal after the decisions are mailed.

Change in Program Placement

Students who are identified for gifted services retain their identification from the point of identification until graduation. It is the philosophy of the Virginia Beach City Public Schools that students need learning experiences based on their readiness level, their interest and their learning profile. Because a continuum of services and varied delivery models are offered, gifted services are dynamic and fluid. Parents/guardians may request that the students not take part in the gifted services that are offered. This is a school-level decision that is facilitated by the parents/guardians, teacher(s), principal and gifted resource teacher. When this occurs, parents/guardians write a letter requesting the change in service. This letter is then placed in the student’s file. The student maintains eligibility for gifted services and has the opportunity to take part in activities offered by the gifted program as feasible. Gifted staff remain in contact with the student and parent/guardian to make service modifications and disseminate program information, as needed.


How do I know if my child has already been identified as gifted in the VBCPS system?

If your child has been in the Virginia Beach school system since first grade, he or she was tested during elementary school. If they have been identified, they should have received a welcome newsletter upon entering Landstown High School. You can find out the results of the Gifted Placement Committee by contacting testing services at 648-3250.

What do I do if I am new to the system or would like to have my child tested for gifted services?

If your child is new to the Virginia Beach Public School System or if your child hasn’t been tested since first grade, but you have observed many gifted characteristics, you may want to refer your child for gifted testing. To initiate the process, complete the online referral form, available in October of 2016.

What is involved in the identification process?

Once you have completed the necessary forms online, I will being to gather the necessary reports to submit to testing services. After submitting the eligibility placement forms, testing services will test your child at Landstown High School. We have testing dates in December and in May. A review committee then convenes to examine the testing data, teacher recommendations, and eligibility placement forms. Identification is based on the portrait all three of these items provided and is not based solely on test results.

My child has been identified gifted…so now what should I expect?

Expect to hear from me, as I will be your child’s advocate. Your child is now able to register for gifted coursework like Think Tank and SPARKS and is eligible to apply to the many Governor’s School opportunities. For more information about these opportunities please visit the enrichment opportunities link on this site.