As you begin to develop your session, this DTALcon slide deck includes the required opening slides. Please review the content in the notes section to support the development of your professional learning workshop. The committee will ask you to provide a link to your slide deck by July 29th using this FORM.


We are using SCHED for conference registration. You have been pre-registered in SCHED as a presenter and the SCHED site is now up and running. Please use the “Sign in with Google” feature to access the conference. SCHED accounts default to “private”, this means presenters cannot see the names of all attendees enrolled in their session. 

Our SCHED committee will provide you with an update of your enrolled attendees a few times this summer and you can reach out to Charlie Hinsch or Angelyn Nichols with specific questions regarding Sched. 


Use this hashtag #DTALcon to share your session news and experiences.

Please contact your thought partner and/or ITS with any questions or concerns.

There will be a place at the conference for presenters to meet, prepare, and store materials. Room number coming soon.