international baccalaureate diploma

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD): An internationally-recognised alternative to A Levels

Varndean College is the only college in Brighton & Hove designated by the Government to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) and is now in its 15th year of running the programme.  The IBD is taught worldwide and is recognised and understood by universities and employers as excellent preparation for further study or employment.  

In the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, you choose six subjects, three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level.  Everyone also follows the ‘Core Programme’ which is made up of:  

The course runs for two years, with the majority of exams at the end of the course plus an element of coursework in each subject. IBD students have a fuller timetable than A level students reflecting the broader range of subjects studied.  To find out more, go to our website at

Read below some comments from a selection of former International Baccalaureate students. 

Anthea Gabot (ex-Cardinal Newman)

Studying Medicine, University College London

“I was really interested in the IB because I did not want to limit my education to three/four subjects as I  was not sure what I wanted to do as a career, so I wanted to learn more about the different subjects before I picked a career. 

I really enjoyed the teaching style of all my subjects; the teachers know how to engage with the class, using activities and discussions. I also liked furthering my general knowledge and learning about many more new things.”

Sammy Doublet (ex-Varndean School)

Studying Architecture, University College London

“After visiting Varndean on the open day, I felt that the IB was a perfect way to meet new people whilst challenging myself academically. 

I have enjoyed the way the subjects have all tied together. What I’ve learnt about cultures, sciences and politics, I have found myself applying in my Artwork or my self-guided explorations in Maths. This has made me realise that education is about learning about the world, not just learning a syllabus.”

Zachary Kent (ex-Peacehaven Community School)

Studying Biochemistry, Imperial College London

“The IB appealed to me because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study at university, therefore having the option to study six subjects broadened my options. 

With the IB you have many classes with the same people so its easier to get to know people and make friends and you end up feeling like one big family by the end of it. The teachers also didn’t just lecture you and tell you endless facts that you needed to memorise, they used interesting and engaging ways to make the lessons enjoyable and fun.”

Circe Marden-Rull (ex-Hove Park School)

Studying Comparative Literature & Cultures,  

University of Bristol

“I came to Varndean as it offered the IB - a programme which allowed me to pursue six subjects instead of three. Also, it had a more global perspective which interested me as I am half Spanish and have always had an international outlook. I could immediately tell that Varndean had a very supportive and welcoming environment. I have enjoyed both the social & academic side for the IB. Although the IB is challenging at times, it is an extremely intellectually stimulating and exciting programme.”