High School & Beyond Plan

The High School and Beyond Plan is part of your graduation requirements. Each year, there's about 1-2 hours of content to complete in this program.

Xello is the new version of Career Cruising with many improvements. To start, here are the login instructions:

1. The easiest way to log in is through Clever. Or, go to www.xello.world. Sign in with VPS-your student ID#. For example: VPS-654321. The password is your 8 digit date of birth.

You’ll be asked to change your password. Remember it!! The best way to do this is to use your same login info as you do for other school district software.

If you forget your password, contact us to reset it. If you have any trouble logging in, just email us.

2. You have lots of things you COULD do but only a few things you NEED to do. Feel free to explore, though. There's a ton of good stuff in there.

3. The things you need to do (based on your grade) are listed below:

6th graders


7th graders

Exploring Learning Styles (Learning Style Quiz)

College Bound Scholarship

8th graders


Exploring Career Matched (Career Matchmaker Quiz)

College Bound Scholarship

9th graders

Getting Experience

Update 4-year plan

10th graders

Workplace Skills & Attitudes

Program Prospects

Update 4-year Plan

11th graders

Goals & Plans

Chooseing A College or University

Job Interviews


Update 4-year plan

12th graders

Goals & Plans

Financial Aid

Work/Life Balance