GATE Program

Gifted and Talented Education

Our VVUSD GATE program provides support to students who require an environment which encourages extremely high levels of abstract thinking, motivation, interest, achievement, peer interaction, and an accelerated pace of learning. Acceptance is based on eligibility criteria determined by our district.

Theory of Action: If we explicitly teach and support gifted individuals in meeting their social emotional and academic needs, while focusing on a growth mindset, then we will create a culture of acceptance and validation where all gifted humans can reach their potential.

GATE Testing 21-22.pdf

Gifted Testing

GATE Identification One-pager.pdf

About the Test

VVUSD gifted identification process ensures fairness and equity. VVUSD currently administers the state-approved, Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) form 7. The Cognitive Abilities Test is used exclusively for the self-contained program because of the multiple measures that it offers. Having multiple measures in each domain greatly increases the dependability of the score profile that is reported for each student. Additionally, the reasoning abilities it measures have substantial correlations with learning and problem solving in an academic setting.

Each level of CogAT offers three test batteries. Each battery is represented by three different reasoning tasks, which are:

  • Verbal: Verbal Classification - Sentence Completion - Verbal Analogies

  • Quantitative: Quantitative Relations – Number Series – Equation Building

  • Nonverbal: Figure Classification – Figure Analogies – Figure Analysis

Visit Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for more information about the assessment.


We have three different qualifying levels that students can use to qualify for gifted services. First, any student who receives a composite score of 90th percentile or at or above the 98th percentile in one of the three areas assessed, Verbal, Quantitative, or Nonverbal is eligible to receive gifted services. Second, any student who receives a composite score at or above 90th percentile and at or above the 90th percentile in one of the three areas assessed, Verbal, Quantitative, or Nonverbal is eligible to receive gifted services. Finally, any student who receives a composite score of 90th percentile and an exceeds standards in both ELA and Math on state approved CAASPP assessment is eligible to receive gifted services. Please refer to VVUSD GATE Identification Matrix for more information.

Program Options:

  • Elementary

    • Students identified GATE participate in a cluster program at their school.

  • Secondary

    • Students identified GATE receive after school enrichment opportunities

    • Jr. Scholars/Honors/AP classes/IB Program

Enrollment Procedures

Referral and Screening

Characteristics common to gifted children are made available at the school sites and on the district website to help aide in the recommendation process. Letters notifying parents of testing are in Spanish and English.

In the nomination/referral form, parents are given an opportunity to grant or withhold permission for testing. Any Val Verde USD staff member, student, or guardian may request testing for a student by filling out an application/permission form which is available at each school. Information regarding testing dates is available on the district website and at each individual site.

As a screening process, all second graders, unless they decline testing, are tested mid-year to determine if full GATE testing is appropriate. This blanket screening of all second graders ensures that equity and consideration of all students is given.

Transfer Students

If a student received gifted services in a previous district, parents are asked to forward testing records for review by the district GATE coordinator. Parents or guardians are informed of the gifted service options that are available once eligibility has been verified. School assignments and program placement for these students are made as space is available in the self-contained classes.

GATE Resources

A non-profit organization of teachers, administrators, parents, and professionals interested in promoting gifted education in California.

A non-profit organization of teachers, administrators, parents, and professionals interested in promoting gifted education on a national level.

Fosters education and research to support the unique social and emotional needs of gifted individuals.

A division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Promotes scholarly research, advocacy, and professional development.

A worldwide network of educators, scholars, researchers, parents, educational institutions, and others interested in research and information on the gifted.

Contact Us for More Information

Jessica Warren

951-940-6100 ext. 10412

Site GATE Facilitators

Avalon ES: Dana McJunkin-Smith

Columbia ES: Linda Brandt

Lasselle ES: Casey Chalupa

Manuel L. Real ES: Barbara Gapultos

Mary McLeod Bethune ES: Janel Looper

May Ranch ES: Kelli Hague-Shaw

Mead Valley ES: Jodi Stanford

Rainbow Ridge ES: Kristin Sandoval

Sierra Vista ES: Christi Longoria

Triple Crown ES: Steve Kimble

Val Verde ES: Sherry Mellor

Victoriano ES: Doug Woods

Lakeside MS: Priya Singh

March MS: Garnett Stanley

Tomas Rivera MS: Kimberly Kitayama

Vista Verde MS: Stephanie Garland

Val Verde Academy: Refugio Santa Cruz

975 West Morgan Street

Perris, CA 92571