Resource Websites (Off-Site Links), is an online IDE, integrated development environment, for programming. Replit supports over 50 programming and markup languages including the languages that we use most often in the class -- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Java.
Blockly Games is a series of challenges that teach basic JavaScript programming. All SMS STEAM students begin learning programming with Blockly. Blockly starts students with block programming and soon moves to JavaScript.
Khan Academy Intro to JavaScript: Drawing & Animation is a guided walk through of 101 tasks teaching students to draw graphic designs using JavaScript. Student code is easily transferred to a web page or email which students may send to family or friends.
How to Chromebook is a series of tutorial lessons especially helpful for incoming 6th grade students or for anyone not yet familiar with a new Chromebook. These tutorials explain many methods that do not have the same shortcuts on a Chromebook simplified keyboard compared to a PC with a full keyboard.
GCG Google is a series of tutorials for each of the Google Suite Apps. With these lessons students learn to use Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, and other Google Apps. Whereas Vallivue has adopted Google as a primary platform these lessons are essential for students through Middle School, High School, and into College or Trade School.
Photopea is an online image editor for graphic design. Photopea Tutorials help students understand the use of the editor. Using this editor gives students an introduction to the skills necessary for graphic design with Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or many other similar programs.
Pixlr is also an online image editor. The tools and capabilities of each app are about the same. Pixlr comes with overview tutorial lessons and an advanced tutorial.
Vectr advertises as "a free graphics software used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively. It's a simple yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform tool to bring your designs into reality." Whereas Photopea and Pixlr work with pixels, individual tiny cells of color, Vectr works with shapes and mathematics to form graphic designs. Scalar vector graphics may be enlarged or reduced without a reduction of quality or clarity of the artwork.
Tinkercad is a 3D block design app with multiple uses. In the class students primarily use Tinkercad for 3D design for 3D printing. Tinkercad is also useful for designing and pre-testing electronic circuits. Tutorials in the program introduce the students to the functions of the program. Student abilities with the program are only limited by the student's creativity.