What is an IEP?

What is an IEP?

An IEP is an individualized education plan. The IEP is written by a team of professionals together with the student and parent/guardians. All eligible students with disabilities, ages 5-21, will have an IEP. The IEP is a written document that describes:

IEPs are designed to meet kids’ unique needs. That means that every IEP will look different. But by law, all IEPs must contain the following elements:

Your child’s present level of educational performance (PLEP): This is a thorough description of your child’s current abilities, skills, weaknesses and strengths. It’s the part of the IEP that explains how your child’s learning issues affect his ability to learn the general education curriculum. PLEP includes details on how your child handles academic subjects and everyday or “functional” activities, like socializing.

The results of your child’s evaluations and tests: This should include district-wide and state assessments.

Special education and related services to be provided: The IEP spells out what kinds of support and services your child will receive. If your child is going to have speech therapy, for instance, it will say how many minutes a week he will receive this therapy.

Accommodations and modifications: These help your child learn the general education curriculum. Accommodations are changes in how a child shows what he has learned. They can help your child work around his learning issues. For example, he may be given extra time on tests.

Modifications are changes in what is taught to or expected of a student. Some IEPs have what’s called “modified promotional criteria.” This defines the percentage of grade-level expectations a child must meet to move on to the next grade.

Supplementary aids and services: These are supports to help a child learn in the general education classroom. They might include a one-on-one aide, highlighted classroom notes, equipment or assistive technology, such as software.

Annual educational goals: These should be realistic, achievable and measurable. The IEP lists the academic and functional skills that the IEP team thinks your child can achieve by the end of the year. Annual educational goals should help your child participate in the general education classroom.

If your child has multiple or severe disabilities, the law requires that the IEP list short-term goals. These are also called objectives or benchmarks.

A description of how your child’s progress will be measured and reported to you:By law, the IEP must explain how the school will track your child’s progress toward goals. And it must describe how the school will share those results with you.

An explanation of how much your child will participate in general education classes and extracurricular activities: Participation at the fullest level possible is required by law. This is called the least restrictive environment.

The date the IEP will go into effect: Many states have formal timelines for this.

Depending on your child’s age and situation, his IEP might also include:

A transition plan: This kicks in when your child turns 16. Transition planning includes services and support to help a student graduate from high school and achieve post-high school goals.

Extended school year services: Some students receive special education services outside of the regular school year, such as during the summer or, less commonly, during extended breaks like winter break.