Letters of Rec

Imagine that it's Christmas, and you want to give someone something very special. You decide to write them a letter, explaining what you admire most about them. This letter would take you a while to write, to find the right words to perfectly convey your heart. Your letter will mean so much to the person you are giving it to, and because they treasure your words, you will feel the effects of their joy. Letters of appreciation, gift letters, are so very important to give receiver and to the giver.

Letters of Rec are very similar. They are thoughtful presents, literally, that take time to create the perfect sentiment. I love to write letters of rec; I see them as a precious gift, a gift that took years to establish the connection and to come to fruition. Because I take great pride in writing a thoughtful and accurate letter for you, there are important steps to follow.

This may seem like a lot of work - most teachers will not require this much. I take great care in writing these letters, and because of that, I ask that you do the same in the preparation for that letter.

Click the link in the title above.

Quickly read the whole article and pay careful attention to the very last part titled: Key Takeaways for Recommendation Requests

Requirements and Steps


  • You were enrolled in one of my English classes in 10th and/or 11th grade

  • Give me 2-3 weeks prior notice. No one wants to be asked to write a very important essay overnight - or even in just a few days; we all have other responsibilities as well.

  • Resume/Academic Resume and the Letter of Rec Request slide deck in google classroom.


  • Read the article above - all of it.

  • Know the specific purpose - what do you need this letter for, specifically? Most college do NOT ask for letters of rec. Check to see if the schools you are applying to require letters of rec. If you need one for a scholarship, know the details and share those with me when you ask in person.

  • Always ask for a letter of rec in person. Find a moment outside of class time to formally ask for a letter.

  • Once we have agreed, complete your resume or your academic resume - examples at the bottom of this page

  • Join the Letters of Rec google classroom and complete the google slide show "Letter of Rec Request." When you have turned in your resume and the Letter of Rec Request, that in, I can start your letter.

Letter of Rec Request - Ruiz

Google Classroom and Letter of Rec Request

After you and I have had an in person conversation about your letter of rec, and I have agreed to write one for you, join the Letters of Rec Google classroom.

Letters of Rec Classroom Code: vgjnvny

When you join the classroom, you will see the Letter of Rec Request "assignment." Complete the assignment, turn it then, then i have everything I need to be able to write a solid letter for you.

When finished, I will give you both hard copies and an electronic pdf version as well (via google classroom). I keep these letters forever (literally), so if you need it down the line, I will still have it available for you.

Resume Template and Examples

Questions or Concerns?

Email me: tracyr@vacavilleusd.org