UWS Systems Support

Getting you started with your Degree Programme

This page aims at providing you with an overview of all relevant and important information that you require in order to get (re-)started with your degree. This includes guidance on Online Enrolment, your StudentMail (Office365), myDay, myUWS (Moodle) and IT support (ITDS helpdesk).

In addition, we have dedicated pages providing more information on enrolment and timetabling.

Enrolment Support

Before being able to access key university systems, students are required to complete online enrolment - click HERE to find out more...


Click HERE to get information on how to use Celcat and to access your personalised timetable.
(C) University of the West of Scotland / Photo by Roman Mager (Timetabling) on Unsplash

Self-service Banner (SSB)

In addition to using self-service Banner for your enrolment, the system also allows you to update your personal details; access your enrolment, grades, School Assessment Board and School Board of Examiners’ Decisions, etc.;

Click HERE to access and explore Self-service Banner.

Personal details tab

Allows you to update your security settings; 
your address, phone
 numbers, email(s), etc.

Student tab

Access all information around your modules; grades; enrolment; council tax exemption; personal tutor; transcript; etc.

eForms Menu tab

Contains repeat year, placement and study abroad forms.

Virtual Learning Environment: Aula

Aula is used for all modules, except for fourth year modules.
Click HERE to access and explore Aula.


Turnitin is embeeded in our myUWS/Aula, and is not a standalone system.

There's more to explore...

(C) University of the West of Scotland / Photos by Adam Solomon (Welcome) / Roman Kraft (University Events) on Unsplash
Title Image: Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash