Visualizing Seattle

    GEOG 450 Portfolio


Seattle has truly been a city close to my heart. From weekend trips on the ferry and around Pike Place Market during my childhood, to making it my new home during these past three years of college, its been a host of precious memories with family and friends. I thought I knew every hidden gem and familiar spot in this city I have come to call as my home, but this summer, I set out on a journey of discovery, and to my delight, realized there's still so much more to explore.

Using graphical Python packages such as Pandas, Plotly, and Altair, I utilized publicly-sourced data, API's, and my own observations to analyze, visualize, and narrate human spatial activities, and in the end gained valuable insights into our interactions with and within the city. Through geovisualization, I gained fresh insights into the city, discovering its complexity and charm all over again.

This portfolio is my opportunity to share the stories of Seattle through the lenses of data. I invite you to explore the hidden connections and unique experiences that define Seattle, capturing its essence through the captivating world of data visualization.