2024 Parklet Design Competition

park·let a small seating area or green space created as a public amenity on or alongside a sidewalk, especially in a former roadside parking space.

Questions? Please contact Catherine Jackson | ccj03@uw.edu


Students at the University of Washington Tacoma are invited to submit designs for a parklet that will be built as part of Tacoma's 2024 Park(ing) Day. This year, Park(ing) Day will be hosted on the UWT campus on Wednesday, October 2.

Park(ing) Day is celebrated yearly in cities across the world. The purpose of Park(ing) Day is to help residents see what is possible when we reclaim public spaces, if temporarily, and transform them from unoccupied vehicle storage into active social spaces that also contribute to increased sustainability and equity. 

A winning design will be selected from among submissions. The winning team will be awarded a cash prize and funds to build and install their parklet, and your parklet will join dozens of others on the UWT campus in a celebration of public space.

Submission Deadline: September 2, 2024   |  Winner Announced: September 5, 2024  |  Park(ing) Day: October 2, 2024