Taste Test

You are going to do a taste-test activity by having the people you live with rate the sweetness of different solutions.

First, watch this introductory video.

Next, make your own taste test solutions.

Prepare To Make Your Taste Test Solutions (Sugar or Juice)

Materials Needed

  • 4 glasses to pour solutions into. Label 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B.

  • Water

  • Measuring Cup (optional)

  • Measuring Spoons (optional)

  • Sugar or Fruit Juice

You will be making 4 solutions as part of the taste test. You can either use sugar water or fruit juice.

Solution 1A: Mix 5 teaspoons of sugar into 1 cup of water. This solution is your highest concentration of sugar.

Solution 1B AND 2B: These are secretly the same solution. Take 6 tablespoons of Solution 1A and combine with 6 tablespoons of water. Split between glasses 1B and 2B.

Solution 2A: This is your lowest concentration sugar solution. Combine 4 tablespoons of 1B/2B and mix with 4 tablespoons of water.

Solution 1A: Pour fruit juice into glass.

Solution 1B AND 2B: These are secretly the same solution. Mix equal parts fruit juice with water.

Solution 2A: This is your lowest concentration juice solution. Combine equal parts of 1B/2B and mix with water.

Make a Hypothesis: What will happen?

Now that your solutions are made, you are ready to administer the taste test.

Participants will taste Solution A (1A=high sugar and 2A=low sugar) then taste solution B (secretly both the same solution).

What do you think will happen? How will the sweetness of solution A effect the perception of solution B?

Conducting the Taste Test

Watch Robbie demonstrate how to do the taste test. You are then ready to conduct the experiment yourself.

Conduct your own experiment with the people who live with you.
You will ask them to rate each solutions on a scale of 1 (Not Sweet) to 10 (Extremely Sweet)

Enter your results on this Data Submission Form. Fill out a new form for each person who completes the taste test.

Thanks for collecting data! As more people fill out the data table, we will be able to analyze the trends in the student-collected data. Check back later!