
SSRL focuses system-level VLSI research topics, ranging from VLSI circuits, HW/SW co-design, CAD tools, and design methodologies, etc. Here is a list of our recent research projects:

Efficient AI/Deep Learning Systems

  • Hardware-friendly AI algorithms
  • Quantization and approximation
  • AI embedded system design
  • Computer architecture and VLSI
  • Compilation and automation

Agile Analog / Mixed Signal IC Design

  • Near/in-sensor read-out circuits
  • Data converters
  • Power/clock management
  • Open source AMS circuit design
  • AMS CAD tools

Interface ICs for High-Speed Data IO

  • High speed Serdes (Tx/Rx)
  • PLL design
  • DDR PHY and interface
  • 3D IC enabled architecture
  • Systems with new packaging