
Following is a list of recommended resources compiled by graduate students in the Department of Physics. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to suggest edits to the following, or have any new recommendations.


Last updated: 09/04/2021


Reporting (non-life-threatening concerns: bias, harassment, climate, ...)

Graduate Student Communications (including informal)

Communication Platforms:

Mailing Lists:

  • pgsc-all - To email all physics graduate students who have not opted out of the mailing list. Usually used for PGSC business, notifying peers of General/Final exams, and non-departmental solicitations (including finding volunteers, housing, etc and announcements about student organizations, events, etc).

  • phys-grads - To email the entire department's graduate students. Used strictly for departmental affairs, by those faculty and peers in departmental committees.


  • PGSC Social Chairs - Friendly social event organizers who plan events including informal hangouts and Friday Flings. Event announcements disseminated via email listservs and Slack (see Graduate Student Communications above).

  • See Graduate Student Communications above for virtual socializing.

Student-Run Groups (including community outreach)

Undergraduate Research Outreach:

Community School Outreach:

Personal Life and Health

  • UW Tax Help - Particularly the useful presentations at the end of the page.

  • Housing - There are several ways to find housing, including solicitations via the pgsc-all mailing list and several dedicated Facebook housing groups.

Fellowship Opportunities



Regional/National Organizations

Legal Advocates

* we strongly recommend these resources