I am always interested in hearing from potential students, post-doctoral researchers, or visiting scientists!

Undergraduate students

Are you interested in a future in soil science? Do you want to launch your research experience? Please contact Brittany Johnson (envsoils@uw.edu) to learn how to join our lab. If you are a student in SEFS, why not do your senior capstone with us? 

Graduate students

I am accepting self-funded graduate students only at this time.

Please check back frequently for positions or subscribe to the job board on ECOLOG-L job announcements will be distributed there as well.

Prerequisites for graduate work in my research group include: 

If you meet these requirements and are interested in collaboration, writing a proposal, or just talking over opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Below are some funding options for writing proposals:

Ideal research interests for the Johnson Soils Lab include:

Postdoctoral researchers and visiting scientists

If you would like to join the Johnson Soils Lab and are interested in writing a proposal to fund your UW research, please get in touch!