Johnson Soils Lab

Soils as part of the total environment


The Johnson Soils Lab at the University of Washington explores the links between soils and a changing climate with the overarching objective of supporting sustainable land management practices. As climate change alters the physiognomy of landscapes, it is vital to explore the dynamics between soil, plants, organisms, and the atmosphere. Understanding these relationships increases our ability to explain and predict the consequences of ecosystem modification and to develop effective, sustainable land management practices and mitigation strategies. Research in this lab focuses on many aspects of environmental science, particularly soil biogeochemical responses to fire, disturbance, topography, and vegetation, and spans the disciplines of soil science, hydrology, and ecology.

Land acknowledgement

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. We acknowledge our Indigenous connections as well as the histories of dispossession and forced removal that have allowed for the growth and survival of this and so many of our institutions.

To learn about the land on which you live and work, visit Native Lands.

Combating racism

A note from lab PI Brittany Johnson: In this lab, we are allies of BIPOC communities. In this lab, we stand for justice, equality, peace, respect, and hope. In this lab, racist action and behavior is not tolerated. I acknowledge that I will never truly understand what it means to be a person of color. As a result, I am working to be a better and more effective ally by educating myself on the resources available for allies, local to global history, and current challenges faced by people of color in this country and around the world. I am standing up. I am taking action. I AM LISTENING. Below are some resources I have found to be useful which may also support you in your journey.

    • #ShutDownAcademia, #ShutDownStem: Provides excellent resources for addressing racism in academia and STEM fields from multiple perspectives and also tips for making a plan to combat racism in your life. The Johnson Lab is working together to revise our lab code of conduct to more clearly reflect the need to be proactive against racism and supportive of ALL members of our community.

    • Stop AAPI Hate: Many resources and action items to address the rise in incidents toward members of the AAPI community which have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic due to misinformation and racism.

    • Anti-Racism Resources: Compiled by Sarafina Nance, a graduate student at UC Berkeley. Provides information on where to donate, petitions, community action items, anti-racism resources (articles, books, movies, etc.), and a list of discussion and critical thinking questions.

    • SEFS Together: Messages and resources from the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington.


    • Wear a mask and practice social distancing

    • Be thankful for essential workers

    • Educate yourself using reputable resources

    • GET VACCINATED!!!!! It is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as care for your community.

News from the lab and the world

Fabulous defense by M.S. student Jalene Weatherholt!!!!!

Jalene Weatherholt has successfully defended her thesis entitled "Investigating the connections between soil, fire, and water in the Deschutes National Forest". As a newly minted Master, Jalene not only delivered her stellar defense, but also was chosen to give the graduate student speech at the SEFS commencement, and is heading off to Arizona to work with the USFS in June!

You can view her defense below:
