We partnered with faculty and organizations around campus to organize workshops, discussions, information sessions, and other interactive events that offered fresh perspectives on data-intensive practice, research, and technologies.

Qualitative Methods for Data Science: Advancing curriculum & Collaboration

January 23, 2019

Is there a place for qualitative methods in data science? How do we encourage mixed-method studies of computational phenomena? This workshop probes the intersection of data science and qualitative methods.

Hosted with the UW Qualitative Multi-Method Research Initiative (QUAL).


Data and Racial Justice: A Conversation with Mangels lecturer Samuel Sinyangwe

October 16, 2019 [rescheduled after last winter's event was canceled due to weather]

The event, moderated by Anna Lauren Hoffmann (Assistant Professor, iSchool), addresses the possibilities and challenges of using data science to pursue racial justice. Light snacks, coffee, and tea will be provided.

Hosted with the UW Graduate School and Information School.


Non-ableist data science: Exploring Data Science and Inclusion

February 27, 2020

Data science is increasingly important in producing knowledge and technologies that impact us daily. How we analyze data, design analysis tools, deploy algorithmic systems, and publish data-driven conclusions matters to real lives. When data science ignores variations and disparities in the human experience, it can bias decision-making and outcomes that negatively affect people with disabilities. In this hands-on workshop, we explore how data science can be made inclusive of practitioners and consumers of all abilities.

Co-sponsored by the Taskar Center for Accessible Technology, the Data Science Studies Special Interest Group, the eScience Institute and the Paul G. Allen School or Computer Science & Engineering.

Details and Registration