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Reading list

Selected publications recommended by our seminar's guests, presenters and participants


O. Fedyuk, I. Kuliushyk, I. Lashchuk, New (Im)Possibilities for Agriculture And Domestic Services in Poland and Italy? Navigating Legal Solutions and Social Organisations’ Support for Ukrainian Women Displaced by the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine in 2022, CMR Working Papers 134(192). 2023.

S. Carrera, M. Ineli Ciger (editor/s), EU responses to the large-scale refugee displacement from Ukraine : an analysis on the temporary protection directive and its implications for the future EU asylum policy, Firenze : European University Institute, 2023 [Migration Policy Centre].

M. Górski, The impact of the Ukrainian special law on the legal situation of forced migrants from Ukraine on the Polish labour market, CMR Working Papers 135/193. 2023.

I. Lashchuk, Ukrainian Female Migration to Italy. Between mov(i)e and life [In:] Borders, identity and memory in media studies, Palermo University Press, 2020. 


M. Bucholc, Gendered Figurational Strategies in Norbert Elias’s Sociology, Polish Sociological Review, no. 176, 2011, pp. 425–36. JSTOR. 

P. Sosnowska-Buxton, Keeping mum: How church and state marginalise Polish women facing domestic violence [Online], The Sociological Review Magazine, 2022.

I. Zielińska-Poćwiardowska, P. Buxton, Patrycja, Przemoc domowa w Polsce: zaproszenie do podjęcia socjologicznej analizy zjawiska, Studia Socjologiczne, 2023, p.131-154. DOI: 10.24425/sts.2023.146172


S. Dalmia, and P.G. Lawrence. The Institution of Dowry in India: Why It Continues to Prevail, The Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 38, no. 2, 2005, pp. 71–93.

B. Pramila, A Critique on Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, vol. 76, 2015, pp. 844–50. 

B. Jhamb, The Missing Link in the Domestic Violence Act, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 46, no. 33, 2011, pp. 45–50. 


M. Madew, M. Boryczko, and M. Lusk, Decolonized Approaches to Human Rights and Social Work, Springer, 2023.

M. D'Amico, C. Nardocci, S. Bissaro, Le violenze contro la donna. Origini, forme, strumenti di prevenzione e repressione della violenza di genere, Franco Angeli, 2023.

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