
Galaxy formation & evolution

  • The baryon cycle of galaxies

  • Environmental quenching

  • Formation of galaxies in high-z proto-clusters

  • Circumgalactic medium

  • Constraining galaxy feedback processes with fast radio bursts (FRBs)

Large-Scale Structure

  • Identification of galaxy clusters, groups and filaments

  • Assembly history of clusters

  • Intergalactic medium in the cosmic web: from gas in voids, filaments and clusters

  • Mapping the cosmic web with Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)

  • Improving photometric redshifts for large-scale structure reconstruction

Active Galactic Nuclei

  • Accretion physics.

  • Accretion disc structure through microslensing and intrinsic variability.

  • Structure and evolution of the X-ray emitting corona.

  • AGN feedback.


  • The high redshift Universe

  • Galaxy clusters and large-scale structure

  • Gravitational lensing

  • Dark energy