

The SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper project will track the spectral evolution of the accretion disc of tens of thousands of AGN, together with the ionized gas that surrounds them. The monitoring campaigns will be carried out in both northern and southern hemispheres and are due to start collecting data in 2020 and 2021, respectively. As members of the Chilean National Time Allocation Committee SDSS-V participating group, all members of VEGA will have access to this exciting new data set.


The Vera C. Rubin Observatory (under construction) will conduct a 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). LSST will deliver a 500 petabyte set of images and data products that will address some of the most pressing questions about the structure and evolution of the universe and the objects in it. Many of the members of VEGA are part of the LSST-Chile team, and will be involved in studies of galaxy evolution, AGN and cosmology.


We have proposed for CHANCES, a CHileAN Cluster galaxy Evolution Survey with the upcoming secong-generation multi-fiber spectrograph 4MOST@VISTA (PI: C. Haines, co-I all the members of VEGA). CHANCES' goal is to study the evolution of galaxies in and around ~150 clusters over the last 4 Gyr of cosmic time, while providing legacy spectroscopic support for the eROSITA X-ray mission. If sucessful, CHANCES will provide comprehensive spectroscopic coverage of massive clusters in the local Universe, pushing well beyond the virial radius and towards lower stellar masses. Background QSO sightlines will also be used to probe the effect of clusters on the gaseous content of galaxies at z>0.35.

Simons Observatory

The Simons Observatory (SO) is the next-generation ground-based CMB experiment. Covering almost 20,000 sq. deg. at unprecedented depths, it will open up a new window into the study of the small-scale CMB, probing fundamental properties of the Universe. Using the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) as a precursor to SO, VEGA members participate actively in the detection and characterization of galaxy clusters detected in CMB data using a wide array of ancillary data, including the development of techniques for cluster cosmology.