The Twente Student Conference on IT

The Twente Student Conference on IT is established as the premier venue for final year bachelor students in the areas of Information Technologies at the University of Twente. The Twente Student Conference on IT is organised twice a year at the campus of the university for students of the bachelor programmes Computer Science and Business Information Technology

The conference provides an excellent opportunity to students working in different areas of IT to come together, discuss, and exchange their expertise and knowledge related to various aspects of modern Information Technologies.  During the conference students can present the research carried out in the last phase of their programme.  Students will learn how to perform scientific research on a given problem and how to evaluate the quality and relevance of their research.

The conference has several tracks with topics that are relevant to Information Technology students. Examples of tracks are:

The best papers will receive the prestigious TScIT Best Paper Award

Previous and current conferences

Current event

Previous events ( all accepted papers are available on-line)

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Twente Student Conference on IT, Enschede, Copyright University of Twente.