3rd Workshop on Personalising Feedback at Scale

Systematising the Design of Personalised Feedback

Why this workshop?

Advances in learning analytics have led to a proliferation of data-informed solutions for delivering personalised feedback to students at scale. A very recent trend has also seen the use of learning analytics approaches to create data-informed educational nudges. However, to date, little research exists to guide practitioners regarding the characteristics of effective personalised feedback and educational nudges. Having a body of evidence to illustrate these characteristics is instrumental for informing principles for good practice in automated feedback strategy and more importantly, to promote student engagement with this feedback.

This online event is the third in a series of workshops delivered at LAK which explored tools and applications for personalised feedback, and how students perceived such feedback. In this third instalment, we shift the focus to processes in personalised feedback and the growing interest in learning analytics approaches to educational nudges.

Previous workshops:

What's this workshop about?

This 3-hour, interactive workshop brings together scholars and practitioners to explore examples of how educators and system developers can co-design learning analytics feedback processes. The workshop has three primary goals:

  • Reflect on the current adequacy of our multidisciplinary conceptual foundations for practitioners and researchers in LA for effective learning analytics feedback practices in HE;

  • Share approaches for scaling personalised feedback with particular attention to how data are used to inform personalisation, as well as the processes for personalised, dialogic feedback (e.g., timing, content, modality);

  • Promote reflection on both pedagogical and technological approaches to improve feedback practices targeted at the improvement of student learning and their ability to self-regulate learning.

What activities can I expect in this workshop?

You will first hear from the panel about the state of the art in nudges and personalised feedback based on learning analytics. The panel (that's us!) comprise experts in the areas of behavioural economics, behavioural science, programming, Psychology, and Education, reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of learning analytics. You will also hear from fellow participants and their experience with personalised feedback and nudges. The breakouts that follow will involve discussions around effective personalised feedback and nudging processes. Critical questions could include:

  • How can we embed personalised feedback and nudges within instructional contexts, in ways that encourage students' response?

  • How do we frame personalised feedback to nudge students to change their behaviours or thinking in positive ways?

  • Is it possible to engage students in a dialogue using personalised, yet automated feedback?

The final part of the session involves a conversation among participants and organisers, to glean key insights from the discussions.