Tips for Success

[n.b. Some of these opinions aren't shared by all, so endorsing PIs have signed lines with their initials. But some we just haven't gotten around to endorsing yet.]

Organize Your Life

Get good at email

Use a to do list

Your brain is a terrible place to store information! You'll forget things, and you'll stress yourself out trying to remember them. A to do list app (or literal paper) meanwhile, is very good at this task. There are lots of options for this. Some of us use Todoist, which is pretty nice and free. Check out this video on "Getting Things Done" if you want tips on how to get started successfully using a to do list. (I actually really recommend this if you aren't in the practice of using a to do list!) [TH, LL]

Know when you're doing what

Pay attention in meetings

Figure out what makes you a good listener. For me it's taking notes as I go along, and closing chat clients. Close distracting windows, try to not browse or work during a meeting. If you're in person, try closing the laptop and taking notes on paper. Find out what works for you! [TH, LL]

Make sure you're always learning

Automate, automate, automate

A great way not to waste time on things you don't learn from is to automate the things you already know how to do. Write scripts that can scale so you don't have to re-write the same code blocks over and over. Make use of cron jobs if you have to complete an automated task periodically. Use computing to improve your life and reduce your your stress and free up some of your attention. [TH, LL]

Get good at giving talks

Take useful notes

Use evernote, apple notes, simplenote, bear, a personal twiki, whatever you want. But keep an organized, central, searchable repository of notes. Store code snippets there, small results, plots, whatever. Think of this as your lab notebook. Think of this as your outboard brain/memory. [TH, LL]

CMS Tips

Know who to ask

Figure out what's a good question for a postdoc, a professor, a fellow student. Know about the Slacks and Mattermosts where you can ask people in a broader audience. Get a Skype account and use it. I'm sorry, but we collectively decided to use Skype 10 years ago when nothing else was around. Make use of the analysis help and distributed computing help mailing lists on CMS. 

Take advantage of the community

Check out the upcoming events and tutorials at the LPC. Check out the CERN Summer School Lectures

Attend CMS General

You'll get an overview of what's going on in the experiment each week, and you can learn about the context of your work.

Computing Tips