Funding Resources
Long-Term Fellowships
Note: most long-term student grants are for US Citizens only. Most provide a significant boost in salary compared to the baseline UTK graduate student salary. Some fellowships that are particularly relevant to this field are:
NSF GRFP funds students for three years. Students can apply in their last year of undergrad or in either of their first two years of graduate school.
DOE Computational Science fellowship funds students who are focused on using high performance computing to solve problems. Open to undergraduate seniors and first-year graduate students. Provides four years of support.
Hertz Fellowship funds students for five years, and is available to senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students.
DOD NDSEG funds students for three years, and is available to senior undergraduates, as well as first-, second-, and third-year graduate students.
A much longer list, which includes opportunities for members of underrepresented groups can be found here.
Short-Term Funding
A few grants that are most relevant to this field are:
DOE SCGSR funds students to spend 3-12 months working at a national lab. Particularly relevant for any work at Oak Ridge or Fermilab.
UTK Student/Faculty Research Awards provide up to $5k to support graduate student research. Funds cannot go towards salary or computers, but can go towards travel.
Professional Development Awards and Travel Awards are both available from UTK to support conference travel and other professional development opportunities (including ones that don't require travel, like an online training course).
For a central list of funding opportunities for graduates students at UTK, click here. You can find a comprehensive list of funding opportunitites available to graduate students here and undergraduates here.