About the group
The CMS Detector studies high energy proton-proton collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The detector is designed to search for new fundamental particles, and measure the properties of the particles in the Standard Model. In 2012, we discovered the Higgs boson, and since then, have been looking for the next hints of new physics.
The CMS group consists of three faculty members (Spanier, Holmes, and Lee) as well as students and postdocs. Some members of the group are based in Geneva, Switzerland, while others are in Knoxville. If you're interested in joining the group, reach out to one of the faculty!
Rare Higgs Decays
Rare Higgs decays are a powerful tool to probe for new physics. While predicted by the Standard Model to occur at very low rates, due to the presence of new forces and particles these rates can be significantly enhanced. Particularly in four-muon final states the background can be small enough so that just a few extra events might be the telltale sign.
Silicon Tracking
CMS uses silicon pixel detectors close to the LHC beam to measure trajectories of charged particles created in the proton-proton collisions. The group is involved in R&D of new radiation hard sensors and the forward pixel detector (TFPX) that will be used in the High-Luminosity LHC. We develop a bump-bonding quality measurement in our lab. The group contributes to the building and Run-3 operation of the smallest pixel detector that sits just 4 cm away from the LHC beam.
Long-Lived Particles
We search for "Long-Lived Particles": new particles with macroscopic lifetimes. These particles can travel through the CMS detector before decaying, evading traditional searches and leaving a wide variety of signals in the detector. Searching for these particles requires building new reconstruction techniques, and understanding all the details of the detector, and there's lots of wide open space to find something new.
Future Colliders
Exploration of the energy frontier has led to some of the most fundamental discoveries of the last century. To continue this exploration into the future, a paradigm shift is needed: we can't simply build larger and larger versions of the same ee and pp machines: constraints from cost, available land, and energy efficiency put a cap on the reach of these machines. The group is exploring options for building a muon collider: a compact, cost-effective colliser with the potential to reach the 10 TeV scale and beyond.
February 3, 2023: Tova and Jesse's paper on triggers for exotic signatures has been published in JHEP.
June 7, 2022: Search for Rare Higgs Boson Decays, preprint of Himal's thesis paper.
June 2022: LHC started colliding proton beams. Find here the LHC Luminosity Publication, and in the following link the status of the CMS Experiment.
October 27, 2021: CMS recorded the first collisions at injection energy! First time stable beams since shutdown in 2018. See a first Collision Event below.
August 27, 2021: Our Luminosity Detector is featured at CERN and in the Department
August 2, 2021: New UTK faculty Lawrence Lee joins the UTK CMS group!
May 21, 2021: Pixel Luminosity Telescope featured by CERN in social media posts (Instagram) (Facebook).
November 19, 2020: A new write-up on the displaced leptons search
October 6, 2020: Tova's ATLAS search for displaced leptons is public -- check it out here.
August 1, 2020: The CMS group welcomes a new faculty member, Tova Holmes!
First 2021 Collision Event at LHC injection energy.