Houston FIre department Ride-along Program

This program is temporarily suspended due to COVID-19. (updated 7/22/22)

The Program:

UTH-SSEM has the opportunity for students to ride along with Houston Fire Department's ALS paramedics. Shifts are available each month to ride along with Dr. Schulz, assistant medical director, subject to availability. This opportunity is available to UTH-SSEM members, BCM students, and students on 4th year EM rotation. It is not necessary to have EMT or paramedic training to participate.

Sign Up:

In order to participate in the ride-along program, you must have the requisite paperwork on file with the Houston Fire Department. We will have ride-along packets available at each SSEM meeting for you to fill out (as detailed below), or you can download the paperwork at the bottom of this page and fill it out on your own. If you choose to do so, please contact the current Vice President of Ride-Alongs and place the paperwork (notarized) in his or her mailbox.


HFD requires that each student have appropriate paperwork ('RiderPack2012b.pdf' at the bottom of this page) filled out, notarized, and filed before riders are scheduled, along with a photocopy of each rider's current driver's license.

A notary is available, free of charge, during normal business hours in the Emergency Medicine department, located on the 4th floor of the Jessie Jones Library. Call/Email Kandice McLeod (713.500.7882 kandice.kaylor@uth.tmc.edu) to check if she is in the office, then you can bring your paperwork to her to get notarized.

Once your paperwork is complete, you may submit it at any SSEM meeting or drop it off in the VP Ride-Along's mailbox, taking care to notify the officer of your dropoff. Under normal circumstances, the officers will ensure that paperwork is sent to HFD to be put on file within the month. Special arrangements can be made by contacting the officers. It is recommended that any student who wishes to participate get a waiver on file well in advance.


To schedule a ride-along, riders should contact Pete Manison of HFD directly at Pete.Manison@houstontx.gov. Riders must mention their association with the McGovern Medical School Student Society of Emergency Medicine and confirm with Pete that they are on file with the Fire Department. Submit three dates in order of preference, and HFD will do their best to accommodate these preferences. Some suggestions regarding scheduling (the only absolute requirement is that your shift does not run past midnight):

  • Weekdays are best. There's more to see, and it's easier for their central office to manage any problems that arise during shifts.

  • Typical shifts for students will run from 7:00am to 5:00pm, but riders should plan to arrive 15-30 minutes early and stay as much as an hour late.

  • HFD can accommodate other schedules and requests, but they encourage patience and flexibility. If you need to complete a shift by a specific time, make sure to leave plenty of room; there's no telling how long any given call might take, and the paramedics can't leave before the job is done.

HFD will email selected students to confirm the date and time of the ride-along. Once you've received this email, please click on the link below and provide your scheduled date so that SSEM can keep track of your participation.

Click here for the confirmation form.

On the Day of the Ride Along:

Make sure to bring:

  • A printed copy of the "Rider Authorization Form," which is attached to the confirmation email you received from HFD. Hand the form to the station captain upon arrival.

    • Students will not be permitted to ride without this form. It is the only means for the station captain to verify your identity and your authorization.

  • Appropriate clothing: either (1) scrubs, (2) EMS pants and a polo, or (3) similar long, non-denim pants and a polo.

  • Student ID badge, which should be prominently displayed at all times.

  • If your shift includes a meal time, bring food or money. Stations will have a full kitchen available, provided you clean up and leave it as you found it.

Further Information:

Please use the 'Rider Checklist' at the bottom of this page as a reference to make sure you don't miss any important information or deadlines. If you have more questions, please feel free to email the VP of Ride-Alongs.

Rider Checklist.pdf