Administrative Rules

For your convenience, links to Utah Department of Transportation and Utah Transportation Commission rules are provided below. (Should the link break, administrative rules may be accessed on the Utah Office of Administrative Rules website.) 

Utah Department of Transportation Rules

Administration (907)

R907-1 Agency Actions, Administrative Procedures 

R907-33 Department of Transportation Procurement Rules 

R907-62 Americans with Disabilities Act 

R907-63 Structure Repair and Loss Recovery Procedure 

R907-64 Longitudinal and Wireless Access to Interstate System Rights-of-Way for Installation of Telecommunication Facilities 

R907-65 Compensation Schedule for Longitudinal Access to Interstate Highway Rights-of-Way for Installation of Telecommunications Facilities 

R907-66 Procurement of Consultant Services - Procedures and Contract Administration 

R907-67 Suspension and Debarment of Contractors from Work on Department Projects 

R907-69 Records Access 

R907-80 Disposition of Surplus Land 

Motor Carrier (909)

R909-1 Safety Regulations for Motor Carriers 

R909-2 Utah Size and Weight Rule 

R909-3 Standards for Advertisement on Utah School Buses 

R909-4 Motor Carrier, Enforcement, Penalties 

R909-19 Safety Regulations for Tow Truck Operations – Tow Truck Requirements for Equipment, Operation, and Certification 

R909-75 Safety Regulations for Motor Carriers Transporting Hazardous Materials and/or Hazardous Wastes 

Operations, Aeronautics (914)

R914-1 Rules and Regulations 

R914-2 Safety Rules and Procedures for Aircraft Operations on Roads 

R914-3 Aircraft Registration Enforcement 

Operations, Construction (916)

R916-1 Advertising and Awarding Construction Contracts 

R916-2 Prequalification of Contractors 

R916-3 Design-Build Contracts 

R916-4 Construction Manager/General Contractor and Progressive Construction Manager/General Contractor Contracts 

R916-5 Health Reform -- Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts – Implementation 

R916-6 Drug and Alcohol Testing in State Construction Contracts 

R916-7 Appeals to UDOT Decisions on, and Requesting Compliance with Nighttime Noise Permits 

Operations, Maintenance (918)

R918-3 Snow Removal 

R918-4 Using Volunteers and Third-Party Contractors for Litter Control 

R918-5 Construction or Improvement of Highway 

R918-6 Maintenance Responsibility at Intersections, Overcrossings, and Interchanges between Class A Roads and Class B or Class C Roads 

R918-7 Highway Sponsorship Programs 

Operations, Traffic and Safety (920)

R920-1 Utah Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 

R920-2 Rural Conventional Road Definition 

R920-4 Special Road Use or Event 

R920-6 Traction Device/Tire Chain Requirements

R920-8 Flashing Light Usage on Highway Construction or Maintenance Vehicles 

R920-30 State Safety Oversight 

R920-50 Ropeway Operation Safety 

R920-60 Amusement Ride Safety 

Program Development (926) 

R926-2 Evaluation of Proposed Additions to or Deletions from the State Highway System 

R926-3 Class B or Class C Road Funds 

R926-4 Establishing and Defining a Functional Classification of Highways in the State of Utah 

R926-5 State Park Access Highways Improvement Program 

R926-8 Guidelines for Partnering with Local Governments 

R926-9 Establishment, Designation and Operation of Tollways 

R926-10 Tollway Development Agreements 

R926-11 Clean Fuel Vehicle Decal Program 

R926-12 Share the Road Bicycle Support Restricted Account 

R926-13 Designated Scenic Byways 

R926-14 Utah Scenic Byway Program Administration; Scenic Byways Designation, De-designation, and Segmentation Processes 

R926-15 Designated Scenic Backways 

R926-16 Unsolicited Proposals for Transportation Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships 

R926-17 Road Usage Charge Program 

Preconstruction (930)

R930-2 Public Hearings 

R930-3 Highway Noise Abatement 

R930-5 Establishment and Regulation of At-Grade Railroad Crossings 

R930-6 Access Management 

R930-7 Utility Accommodation 

R930-8 Utility Relocations Required by Highway Projects 

R930-9 Detection and Elimination of Unauthorized Discharges into Drainage Systems, Enforcement of Water Laws, Sanctions for Violation, and Permitting 

Preconstruction, Right of Way Acquisition (933)

R933-1 Right of Way Acquisition 

R933-2 Control of Outdoor Advertising Signs 

R933-5 Utah-Federal Agreement for the Control of Outdoor Advertising 

Utah Transportation Commission Rules

Administration (940)

R940-1 Establishment of Toll Rates

R940-2 Approval of Tollway Development Agreements

R940-3 State Infrastructure Bank Fund

R940-4 Airports of Regional Significance 

R940-5 Approval of Highway Facilities on Sovereign Lands

R940-6 Prioritization of New Transportation Capacity Projects

R940-7 Marda Dillree Corridor Preservation Fund

R940-10 Guidelines for Development Participation in Transportation Reinvestment Zones 

Rules Development & Approval Workflow