Phase 3

Phase 3 Overview


Phase 3 of the Solutions Development process is focused on identifying solutions to meet the goals and needs outlined in the previous phases. The background information including the context, goals, and needs will assist in developing solutions that are an asset to the community while meeting the transportation needs. This phase includes identifying all potential solutions and then evaluating them with the criteria developed in Phase 2 to determine those that meet the goals and objectives.

Solutions that are not moved forward need to be documented as to why they do not meet the goals and may not have passed through the criteria defined. Those solutions that do meet the criteria outlined may need to move forward for further evaluation in the environmental phase. The solutions defined are intended to build off of all information gathered in Phase 1 and Phase 2.

If the results of this study are to be carried into a future environmental process, public involvement and applicable agency engagement is required and needs to be thoroughly documented regarding solutions moving forward and those eliminated. This documentation should be coordinated with UDOT Central Environmental.

3A Brainstorm Solution Scenarios


Identify a full range of solutions to meet the goals and objectives as well as identified needs and opportunities. It is important that the solutions fit the context based on the current situation and/or the desired future state. The solutions may include different scenarios, infrastructure improvements, multi-modal approaches, mode choice, various alignments, policy changes, land use changes in coordination with the local government or a combination of all of these.


  • Identify a full range of solutions based on the information gathered to date including but not limited to the context, goals and objectives, and the needs and opportunities.


  • A set of multiple potential solutions


  • Are the appropriate stakeholders involved in the identification of the solutions? (e.g. operations, multi-modal partners, stakeholders, local governments, other key stakeholders)

  • Are the proposed solutions aligned with the goals?

  • Have the full range of solutions been considered?

  • Has the perspective of the end user been taken into account?

  • Has the full context (social, natural, economic, health, risk / resiliency, and transportation) been taken into account?

  • Are the potential actions or interests of divisions / areas within UDOT and other agencies considered?

  • Have economic development strategies been incorporated into the solutions sets?

  • Have different land use scenarios been considered? What are the underlying assumptions? Are these assumptions supported by land use partners?

  • Do the solution sets include TSMO strategies?

  • Have the solutions identified by the community stakeholders been incorporated?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

3B Evaluate / Test Ideas


Using the evaluation criteria outlined in Phase 2, evaluate the solutions to determine those to move forward. Identify fatal flaws. Fatal flaws can be solutions that are not feasible, do not meet goals and objectives, or have significant environmental impacts as compared to other options (if data is available).


  • Conduct the evaluation using the criteria developed in Phase 2

  • Note those solutions that have fatal flaws and will not be carried forward

  • Document the fatal flaws and reasoning for elimination of solution(s)


  • A set of multiple solutions that meet the goals and objectives and have moved successfully through the evaluation process.


  • Are there solutions that require implementation by other agencies/organizations? If so, do we have support from the other agencies/organizations?

  • Are the solutions identified compatible with the community environment?

  • After evaluating the initial round of solutions, are there additional ideas that have come up?

  • Should additional solutions be identified?

  • What is the justification for eliminating any solution set?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

3C Define Solutions Sets


From the evaluated solutions, identify the solution sets that will move to the next steps.


  • Clearly document the solutions sets in a way to communicate them to the public.

  • Recommend the phasing / timing of solutions

  • Define the roles and responsibilities associated with solutions


  • Clearly defined solutions

  • Potential phasing / timeframe of solutions

  • Roles and responsibilities in advancing the solutions to implementation


  • Is there support and/or a potential implementing partner for the individual aspects of the identified solution sets?

  • What are the positive and negative impacts of each individual solution / solution set?

  • Which individual aspects of the solution sets will complement and strengthen each other if they are implemented as a set? Which ones may work against each other?

  • How do the identified solutions fit within the community?

  • How would the solutions / individual aspects of the solution sets best be phased?

  • Do other stakeholders need to move individual aspects of the solution sets or full solutions sets forward?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

3D Outreach to Confirm Solutions,

Responsibilities, and Phasing


The purpose of this task is to review the solutions that have been developed and those moving forward with key stakeholders and/or the public.


  • Hold meetings with stakeholders to confirm the solutions, phasing, and roles/responsibilities for implementing the solutions.

  • Identify the appropriate level of public involvement for review and comment on the solutions.


  • Presentation materials for the public

      • Clear documentation of the history of the study

          • Goals and objectives

          • Needs and Opportunities

          • Evaluation Criteria

      • Clear documentation of the solutions identified and those moving forward

      • Evaluation of the solutions

  • Comments gathered from public

  • Summary of public outreach


  • Who needs to be made aware of the defined needs and criteria?

  • Is this study moving into the next phase immediately?

  • Is there a reason to hold a meeting with the general public?

      • Is there a known concern in the community?

      • Is there unrest related to potential solution sets in the community?

      • Is the public actively engaged in the study?

  • Are there other ways to reach the public and receive feedback?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

3E Document Solutions, Responsible Party, and Phasing


Provide a comprehensive overview of the overall solutions, evaluation analysis, and the solutions moving forward. This will include all information gathered from stakeholders and the public throughout the previous phases.


  • Package all information to clearly document how decisions have been made to date.

  • Coordinate with future responsible partners to carry information into future phases.


  • Supporting documentation of Phase 3 including

  • All identified solutions

  • Evaluation analysis and necessary documentation for refining solutions.

  • Solutions moving forward

  • Timing and phasing of solutions

  • Roles and responsibilities of study partners


  • Who needs to be informed of the decisions made?

  • Does the documentation clearly state next steps?

  • How will the information be communicated for the next steps?

  • Who takes ownership (i.e. local government, UDOT divisions, other agencies, etc.) of the solution(s) in the next phase?

      • Is all relevant information available to those future owners?

      • Determine if there are appropriate ways for stakeholders to formally recognize recommended solutions. For example, amending local land use or transportation plans.


Data to Consider


None for this section.

3F Final Document Preparation & Project Advancement


Compile all phases into a final report with a clear summary of how solutions will be advanced. This may include efforts to move projects into programming. This may also include updating plans such as the Unified Plan / Regional Transportation Plan / Long-Range Transportation Plan, local government plans, and / or other plans, as applicable.


  • Identify the necessary actions to move solutions forward.

      • Provide all documentation needed to move into the programming phase for those projects that will be implemented in the near future.

      • Work with key stakeholders to provide updates to current plans with all relevant references


  • Draft Scope Definition Document (SDD) prepared for the Concept Project Optimization Phase to move into project delivery

  • Recommended plan updates (Long Range Plan, local government plans, etc.)

  • Develop an action plan for desired outcomes.


  • Who needs to be informed of the decisions made?

  • Where is all reference documentation stored?

  • What funding sources are available to help move partner plan updates forward (UDOT Technical Planning Assistance, WFRC Transportation and Land Use Connection, etc.)?


Data to Consider


None for this section.