Phase 2

Phase 2 Overview


Phase 2 of the Solutions Development process is focused on determining the needs, problems, and opportunities that will assist in meeting the overall desired outcome. This will include looking at existing and future conditions as it relates to study goals, including deficiencies based on input from multiple divisions within UDOT and all key stakeholders.

Additional activities include determining measures to assess how solutions defined in Phase 3 will be evaluated. The evaluation criteria and measures should be based on the goals, objectives and needs to ensure the chosen solutions assist in developing the desired outcome. The data collected in Phase 1 and Phase 2 should be used as the foundation for the measures. The measures need not be precise, but should allow for comparisons of alternatives. Additional data that is found to be needed for future phases should be noted.

Overall, Phase 2 defines what needs to happen to meet the goals and objectives identified in Phase 1 and develop a strong foundation for the reason behind the solutions.

If the results of this study are to be carried into a future environmental process, public involvement and applicable agency engagement is required and needs to be thoroughly documented. Coordinate with Central Environmental staff throughout the process.

2A Scope Next Phase


Using information gathered in Phase 1, define the scope for Phase 2 and Phase 3 (as applicable). Based on availability and on the complexity of a study, consultants may be brought in at this point to complete the full study or specific portions of the study. Consultants may be obtained separately and at different stages of the study depending on the study needs.


  • Review Phase 1 goals and objectives.

  • Identify additional data needs based on context.

  • Prepare a scope of work.

  • Procure consultant(s) (see references below).


  • Executed consultant contract

  • Study scope, budget and schedule for Phases 2 and 3.


Consultant Study Team Skills

  • Does the consultant team have the necessary skills and experience for this type of study (e.g. facilitation, planning, public involvement, environmental, etc.)?

  • Does the study team have the data necessary for the next Phases?

  • Is this study likely to move into an Environmental Study? If so, contact the Environmental Division for coordination.


Data to Consider


Consultant Services Manual of Instruction

Consultant Services Website

UDOT Project Managers Guide

2B Define Needs, Problems, and Opportunities


To develop a common understanding of the deficiencies as well as the opportunities that exist in an area including transportation, community, and the environment.

Describe and illustrate the problem(s) with analogies and graphics that the general population could understand, and identify possible ways the transportation system may improve the area.


  • Review information to date and identify additional relevant data that may assist to outline needs to meet the defined goals and objectives. Consider drafting a list and description of the preliminary transportation, community and environmental planning needs.

  • Document all existing and projected system conditions (geometrics, crash analysis, traffic flow, etc.), initial identification of area deficiencies, and all relevant environmental data.

  • Coordinate with UDOT divisions and regions to compile all necessary information as applicable. These groups may include:

      • Pavement

      • Structures

      • Asset Management

      • Traffic and Safety

      • Utilities

      • Right of Way

      • Maintenance

      • Region Preconstruction

      • Region Program Development

      • Environmental

      • Others as identified

  • Based on information gathered from Phase 1 and other processes within the department, conduct a current and future conditions analysis, focused around achieving the goals, objectives, and desired future outcome.

  • Document deficiencies that hinder the community from achieving its goals and objectives.

  • Develop a needs summary. This may include:

      • Ensuring the partnering agencies have provided information to this effort.

      • Compiling evidence of needs and problems identified in the public input gathered to date.


  • Existing and future conditions reports.

  • Information gathered from regions and other divisions within UDOT.

  • Information gathered from MPO(s) (as applicable).

  • Information gathered from local governments.

  • Needs summary.


  • What needs have been identified along the area / corridor?

  • Has the community and/or regional vision been taken into consideration?

  • What data and analyses are available related to environmental impacts, including equity and other indirect and cumulative impacts?

  • What comments do the stakeholders have regarding the problems and opportunities that have been identified for the area / corridor?

  • How do stakeholders travel in the area? Where do they go? What problems do they encounter?

  • What are the current and projected traffic volumes?

  • How does the contextual data from Phase 1 help inform needs, problems and opportunities?

  • What stakeholders, including modal and operational partners, should provide input and how?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

2C Refine Goals and Objectives


Review the goals and objectives with the study team and partners and refine them if new information provides a reason to do so.


  • Review the goals and objectives to gain agreement from the study team and partners. The applicable UDOT divisions and key influencers should also review (as applicable).

      • Refine or add to these if new information (needs, problems and opportunities) presents a reason to do so.

  • Ensure all objectives are measurable.


  • Refined goals and objectives


Possible reasons to refine goals and objectives

  • Do new findings modify understanding of the area’s context?

  • Are there new asset management needs that have been identified by stakeholders (internal and external)?

  • Are there deficiencies in the existing and future conditions reports that need to be included?

  • Are there additional needs or opportunities that have been added by key stakeholders?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

2D Outline Evaluation Criteria

Purpose and Overview

Outline evaluation criteria that enable the development, comparison and selection of potential solutions to address the area’s deficiencies, goals and objectives identified earlier in the study.

During this activity, evaluation criteria, methods and measures should be reviewed and approved. The evaluation criteria, methods and measures are developed in consideration of community context, transportation goals and the environment.

The level of analysis should be determined based on the scope of the study. For example, a regional study focused on long-term needs would generally require a less detailed analysis, while a study covering a smaller geographic area with more immediate needs would generally warrant more detail. Consider using a rough scale (e.g. low, medium, high) rather than precise numbers to compare the relative performance of each solution. Numbers may be generated to determine the magnitude of each measure. It should be noted that some measures may be qualitative due to the nature of the study.

Evaluation criteria should be tied to the goals and objectives defined in earlier activities, and may include:

  • Transportation system performance

      • Consider systems to be analyzed: main freeway, other future freeways, state routes, local roads, rail, active transportation networks, and transit network.

  • Alignment with community characteristics and values

      • Utilize information regarding land use, gathering places, health partners data, quality of life and equity data.

  • Environmental health and impacts

      • Some data to consider are geophysical, environmental, and regulatory impediments to project development including ravines, fault zone, hazardous material sites, threatened and endangered species habitat, wetlands, etc.

  • Performance measures for various departments within UDOT

  • Quality of Life Framework and TIF and TTIF Prioritization measures

Fatal flaw criteria will be based on feasibility and whether or not the goals and objectives are met. Based on the context, other fatal flaw criteria may also be identified if the necessary data is available to support the decision.

Evaluation criteria should be set with a future year in mind.


  • Refine potential evaluation criteria for the noted objectives from Phase 1.

  • Review criteria to determine if any changes are necessary based on the needs and problems identified.

  • Identify the data obtained in Phase 1 that may assist with measures of the criteria.

  • Determine if additional data is available for measures.

  • Determine if two levels of evaluation criteria would be beneficial: fatal flaw and more detailed analysis.

  • Prepare a draft document outlining the methodology to be used for the evaluation criteria and measures.

  • Identify thresholds for future outcome or phased solutions (if necessary).


  • Specific criteria, methods, and measures for selecting solutions for the corridor.

  • Draft document outlining methodology for evaluating potential solutions.


  • Data may not be available for all measures

  • At this stage, draw upon existing data sets to advance the conversation and conduct a preliminary review of potential solutions or alternatives to meet goals and objectives.

  • In general, detailed data should not be created for the analysis (i.e. wetland delineation, Phase I environmental site assessment, etc.)


  • Are the evaluation criteria consistent with the area / corridor goals?

  • Are the evaluation criteria and performance measures broad enough to reflect the full range of objectives?

  • Are the evaluation criteria and performance measures effective to compare the relative performance of solution sets?

  • Are the performance measures actionable/implementable?

  • Are there appropriate tools, technologies, technical capacity, and data to support these evaluation criteria?

  • Are evaluation criteria and measures included that will demonstrate how transportation choices impact the quality of life in the planning area?

  • Are the evaluation criteria, methods and measures consistent with those identified through existing economic development or land use plans?

  • Are the evaluation criteria and measures clearly understandable and meaningful to the full range of stakeholders, including modal and operational partners?

  • Have the evaluation criteria, methodology, and performance measures been validated against the evaluation criteria, methodology, and performance measures in the LRTP for the study area?

  • From a risk perspective, what factors may cause changes to the criteria? For example, if the elected officials change, would the criteria be different?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

2E Outreach to Confirm Goals, Objectives and Needs


The purpose of this task is to review and confirm the goals, objectives, needs and criteria (as applicable) with the key influencers, stakeholders, and the general public.


  • Hold meetings with interested parties including key influencers and stakeholders to learn whether or not they are in agreement with the goals, objectives, needs and criteria. An overview of the study will be necessary to ensure all are familiar with the background and work completed to date.

  • Identify the appropriate reach to the public for review and comment on the goals, objectives, needs and criteria.

  • Provide an opportunity for the general public to provide feedback on the goals, objectives, needs and criteria.


  • Presentation materials for the public

      • Clear documentation of goals and objectives (incorporating comments received from the public in previous activities)

      • Clear documentation of needs and criteria

  • Comments gathered from public

  • Summary of public outreach


How to reach the public and to what level

  • Who needs to be made aware of these needs and criteria?

  • Is this study moving into the next phase immediately?

  • Is there a reason to hold a meeting with the general public?

      • Is there a known concern in the community?

      • Is there unrest in the community?

      • Is the public actively engaged in the study?

  • Are there other ways to reach the public and receive feedback?


Data to Consider


None for this section.

2F Document Goals, Needs and Criteria


Provide a comprehensive overview of the needs, criteria and measures. This will include information gathered from stakeholders and the public, meeting summaries, and any additional information presented to date.


  • Package all information to clearly document how decisions have been made to date.


  • Supporting documentation of Phase 2 including

  • Refined goals and objectives

  • Methodology for determining needs

  • Methodology for determining criteria and measures

  • Clear documentation on the needs

  • Clear documentation of criteria and measures

  • Comments gathered from the public and how they were incorporated



Data to Consider


None for this section.