Become a Site Steward

Pollinator Stewards commit to 2-3 (or more) visits during the season to specific locations near where they live. This is a way to get more deeply involved in pollinator conservation.

The information you’ll provide helps agencies, organizations, and others plan effective strategies for conservation. It will ensure that conservation funding is directed to the right places in Utah, meaning protection will be given to the species and habitats with most value to monarchs and bumble bees. Without these data from citizen scientists, decisionmakers would essentially have to base conservation actions off of their best guess.

Currently, the specific areas Utah monarchs are using for breeding is unknown—though this information is crucial to the conservation of the species. And when it comes to bumble bees, scientists are at ground zero for understanding which species use Utah habitats and to what degree.

With these "blank spots" in our wildlife data illuminated, decisionmakers can target specific goals that help the species and habitats that need it most.

How to Complete a Habitat Assessment at a Pollinator Site

1. Read the Protocols

Get started by reading the Survey Protocols. Additionally, sign up to receive updates on the project and let us know your site preferences.

2. Attend/View a Training

Attend our spring training or watch the training recording to learn skills you'll need, like identifying species and how to navigate project tools.

3. Download the App

Download the Survey123 App onto your phone. Instructions and a helpful training video are available here.

4. Choose/Receive a Site

View your site assignment or choose a site you'd like to monitor over the season. This can be any site with pollinator resources; all data is helpful to the project!

5. Plan Your Trips

If you would like to visit an assigned site, find it on our map and make plans to access it. Explore different layers by clicking the icons in the upper right, and note any private land near your site.

6. Log the Data

If you can, visit the site at least 2-3 times in May-September (though every month is ideal) and log the data on the app after each visit. Remember to press “send” when back in service!

Volunteer Training

Additionally, if you need help with the Survey123 App, we have a helpful page with everything you need. Click the button below for videos and step-by-step instructions.

If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Wheeler (, 385-235-1062), Amanda Barth (, or Mary Pendergast (