Total Force Fitness

Total Force Fitness

Total Force Fitness (TFF) is your military community’s roadmap to peak performance. First introduced to DoD in 2009, TFF is a framework that helps Warfighters, Veterans, and their families reach and sustain optimal health and performance in a way that aligns with your mission, culture, and identity.

TFF suggests you reconsider what it means to be healthy. Beyond just physical fitness, TFF encourages you to focus on your whole self and those life domains that are key to holistic military wellness. Your total fitness includes 8 domains: your social, physical, environmental, medical and dental, spiritual, nutritional, psychological, and financial health. Embodying the TFF framework means paying attention to all of these domains in your quest for peak performance, readiness, and military fitness.

Total Force Fitness is your roadmap to reach human performance optimization (HPO), which focuses on optimization, prevention, restoration, and recovery. HPO takes a “left of bang” approach, which acts to prevent an event or condition that challenges the health and performance of a Service Member. This contrasts with traditional healthcare models, where providers interact with Service Members mostly after injury or illness—or “right of bang.” TFF provides the framework to address domain-specific gaps to keep you operating left of bang.

The Human Performance Resources by CHAMP (HPRC) team offers information across TFF domains you can use to achieve your own total fitness. HPRC’s website ( is your one-stop shop for information on Total Force Fitness. For example, visit the Social Fitness section to read articles on managing your relationships—whether you’re at home or on deployment. Learn about stress management or how to get better sleep with resources in the Mental Fitness section. Or learn about training, exercise, and injury prevention in the Physical Fitness section. Visit the Nutrition section for resources on managing your weight or performance nutrition. In addition, visit Operation Supplement Safety for up-to-date information on the safe use of dietary supplements.

Human Performance Resources by CHAMP