Lola Viets Library
Winfield High School
Welcome, Vikings!
Welcome to the high school library website!
Contact me for assistance or collaboration.
I check Gmail and Google Chats regularly.
And of course, please feel free to pop in! :)
Login with your school issued Google account.
Destiny Discover (WHS)
WHS Library owned ebooks (many YA titles); access with Google logins
Sora App
Ebooks and audiobooks offered by the WHS library AND the Winfield Public Library; no library card needed
Cloud Library
Provided by the KS State Library; email Mrs. Woodburn to get your account setup
Project Gutenberg
Free access to public domain books
(i.e. the classics)
Audio Books
Destiny Discover (WHS)
WHS Library owned audiobooks (many YA titles); access with Google logins
Access free audio books through the Winfield Public Library with a library card (apply for a library card here)
Access free audio books through the Winfield Public Library with a library card (apply for a library card here)
Sora App
Ebooks and audiobooks offered by the WHS library AND the Winfield Public Library; no library card needed
Volunteers read & record public domain books.
Empowering students with learning disabilities
Test & Career Prep
Learning Express
ACT, AP, ASVAB and many other practice modules to prepare offered through the State Library of KS
Your source for career exploration, training, & jobs
Video Sources
Stream and download videos for learning with Google logins
Access free movies and shows through the Winfield Public Library with your library card (apply here)
Many reputable videos available to view or link to in Google Classroom
Teachers can search for titles that are licensed for public viewing.
Freely accessible scholastic published videos for teaching & learning
Local & Int'l News
username: libwoodburn
password: whsusd465
The definitive source for independent journalism from every corner of the globe
Full access in the building on any device
Full text for 149 national & international newspapers; selective text for 410 US newspapers.
Reliable news summaries & background articles for schools, colleges, & universities.
General Reference
Britannica Academic
Access provided by the State Library of KS; choose college or high school levelsExplora Multi-SearchStart a general research project here; access provided by the State Library of KS
EBSCOLogin with your Winfield Public Library patron card/account number.
Millions of free articles, chapters, & theses
World History focus: articles, e-books, videos, and podcasts (password found here)
Gale US HistoryUS History focus: articles, e-books, videos, & podcasts (password found here)Kansas HistoryKS History, territorial through Civil War,
The Literary Reference SourceAccess provided by the State Library of KSAccess provided by the State Library of KSPro & Con Congressional DigestExcerpted statements from current congressional debates, plus material to put the controversy in historical & legislative context (password here)U.S. NewsstreamFeaturing newspapers, newswires, blogs, & news sites in active full-text format dating back to 1980
Use Your Info Literacy Skills:
Use your information literacy skills online - watch out for fake news, conspiracy theories, propaganda, and disinformation or dissension campaigns.
The Associated Press
All students, teachers and staff have full access within the school building Access provided by the State Library of KansasA news aggregator that shares and evaluates articles from various news sourcesInformative, balanced, impartial pros & consFree, publicly funded news