Using Videos

Video In Classroom Guidelines

Teachers must obtain permission from their building administration before showing a full-length video in their classroom.

To obtain permission, teachers will fill out the Intent to Show video form linked below.

Building administrators will review the 'intent' applications and reply directly to teachers.

The WHS library can help teachers with obtaining the video for classroom use.

At Winfield High School:

Your admin will receive video request submissions and respond within one week.

 Consult the Swank Licensing Subscription

If I have an Amazon Prime or Netflix Subscription, can I use these in the classroom?  What if I purchase the Amazon Prime videos?

Amazon Prime:

Does not release any titles for educational/classroom use. Amazon Prime permits only personal, non-commercial, private use of its content.


Netflix has released specific titles with limited educational screening rights.

Search the title on the Netflix Media Center.  Look for text stating "GRANT OF PERMISSION FOR EDUCATIONAL SCREENINGS" in the synopsis.