Ancient History:

I grew up in rural Osage County, so I guess you could call me a farm kid. Growing up we had horses, cattle, swine, and sheep. My dog Ruby is the only animal I have today. I attended Overbrook Grade / Junior High School home of the mighty Gophers, and Santa Fe Trail HS where I was active in football, wrestling, and golf. There are more 7th graders at WRMS this year than were in my entire high school. Yes, when I was a child the pictures were black and white so that makes me old.

Contact Information:

Phone: 339-4344

Email is probably the best line of communication with me.

Office Hours / Advisory: 2:19 - 2:50

Plan Time: 11:40 - 12:30

I have been alive for every Super Bowl, and there is only one team worth cheering for.


So leave your Bronco clothing at home!

I like to restore old cars and tractors.

I enjoy a wide variety of music from classical, big band, BeBop, classic rock to modern, but my favorite music group is Pink Floyd.

Why History?

I graduated Fort Hays State University with a degree in History. Although I was not much of a reader when I was younger, I did enjoy good stories my grandparents, or any other "old person" would tell about the "good ol days." Museums and a historically accurate movie could keep my attention better than fiction. I am sure this is why I love history. I have found an appreciation for reading, when I can find the time.

This is my 20th year at WRMS teaching 7th grade. Before that, I taught high school for another 7 years. I have also coached football, cross-country, wrestling, and golf. OMG that makes 27 years of teaching. But only one wearing a mask!

More Random Facts:

I enjoy collecting military antiques, and looking for Native American artifacts. I also like to collect antique items made in Kansas.

I spend countless hours working on our farm. It is a place where I hunt, fish, go camping, and enjoy nature and the stars at night.

Foods from all over the globe are enjoyed at my house, but Asian food may be my favorite, but at times just a good cheeseburger will do!

Although I drink coffee throughout the day, I do not like Starbucks. Too Strong for me!!!!!

My Great Grandfather was the Chief of Detectives in Topeka in the early 1900s, and his uncle was an Old West outlaw in the Oklahoma Territory.


Course Overview:

We will cover three main topics this year. We will start with a geography unit, then a quick study over elections, and we will finish the year with a comprehensive study of Kansas History. Don't worry, there are plenty of fun things to learn!

Daily Supplies Needed:

Chromebook, paper to take extra notes on, writing tools, and student planner. If your binder has a pocket for colored pencils and highlighters great, we will use them during the year also.

Reading Assignments:

There will be reading assignments that are intended to give you some background information. The assignments will come from the textbook, and also from readings in my classroom. Remember, the readings tell a story, so to help understand history, read the story and visualize what is happening. DON"T JUST READ THE WORDS. MARINATE YOUR BRAIN!

Note Taking:

The students are encouraged to take notes. The notes are to be used as a study tool and for use on classroom assignments. An outline of unit objectives will be given at the beginning of each unit. Therefore, you will know what you will need to know for each unit / chapter assessment, and we will go over each objective in class. Flashcards will also be "offered" to each student. The cards will have a picture on one side and the students will add the proper information on the back to use as a study source. I will be glad to visit with you during advisory if you have questions, or need extra help with any assignment.

Remember; If there is something you do not understand, ask for help!


The grading scale at WRMS: A = 90% and above, B = 80% - 89%, C = 70% - 79% Below 70% = N

Your final grade will be based on: 30% of the grade will be your classwork, and 70% will be your assessment scores. So you can see that completing your assignments correctly, and then using them to study with is important since the majority of your score is assessments. Your classwork will be linked with the unit objectives, and will likely be on the assessments in some manner. So study the assignments also! There will be quizzes during each unit, and an assessment at the conclusion of each unit / chapter.

Missing / Late Work:

When assignments are posted they will have a due date posted. Usually the daily work will be due the following class period. Points will be deducted for late work. However, if work is passed due for too many days, no credit will be given for that assignment. No missing work can be turned in once we take the unit test. Make sure you are keeping up with the assignments in all your classes!

Participation is the key to good grades. Remember that the more you put in to your classes the more reward you receive when grade cards come out. Be involved and active. Ask questions and answer mine. I will try and make social studies personal to you. If we have fun together in class, it will make learning easy!

Class Expectations / norms:

  • Behave in a safe manner

  • Be ready to learn

  • Be courteous to others

Lets have a great 7th grade year!