Atchison High School

Resources for High School Students

COVID 19 community resources

"The discussion reminded me of a resource from the #ZeroReasonsWhy campaign that is tapping into student strengths and their unique voices to identify potential strategies or considerations (mental health related), utilizing a podcast format.

"Inside the Mind of QuaranTEENS was made by Pooja Jain, a high school senior. Pooja is an executive leader of #ZeroReasonsWhy, a local teenage suicide prevention campaign. In this time of uncertainty and isolation, many teenagers are experiencing more mental health struggles. She created this podcast to show these teens they are not alone. Pooja works with other teenagers in the community to give advice on how to get through these tough times."

Connection & fun

20 ways to stay active

  1. Design a new logo to inspire our high school and community in the fall.

  2. Chronicle this historical event in time. Record and submit your stories to the Oak Park Oral History Project »

  3. Create a special reading area in your house.

  4. Set a book reading goal. Find digital title recommendations »

  5. Bake cookies or a favorite dessert.

  6. Play a game with younger siblings, and play board games with the whole family.

  7. Create a singing or dancing video.

  8. Apply for scholarships.

  9. Create kindness jars.

  10. Go for a walk (while staying at least 6 feet away from other people).

  11. Start a gratitude journal.

  12. Start a diary.

  13. Make a list of senior relatives you can reach out to during this time—and then follow through!

  14. Redecorate your room.

  15. Write a book, song, or a letter.

  16. Listen to new music.

  17. Do something you’ve been putting off.

  18. Work on New Year’s resolutions.

  19. Stay in touch with your friends by group video chat.

  20. Get outside each day and soak up the sun, even when it's behind the clouds.