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USD 299 Open Enrollment Information

Board Policy JBCC: Enrollment of Nonresident Students


May 1 – Capacities Approved and Openings Released

Open Seats By Grade Level

June 1 – Nonresident Student Application Period Opens

Non-Resident Application for Enrollment

June 30 – Nonresident Application Period Ends

July 1 – 15 – Notice of Denial / Acceptance of Enrollment 

Lexi McCarter win essay contest!

Lexi McCarter has been selected as the 2024 Ellsworth County Masonic Lodge Essay Contest winner.  According to their website, the 170 Masonic Lodges across Kansas provide over $300,000 in philanthropic assistance to their communities.  Therefore, students were asked to select a charitable organization in their community and explain why they believe this organization warrants financial consideration and support. Lexi's essay focused on the organization Feeding the Children of Central Kansas.  The top eight winners at the state competition will receive an award of $1,000 to the charitable organization that they wrote about.

Unpaid Meal Charges Info

FUNDRAISERS short one.docx

USD 299 Mission Statement

The Mission of Sylvan-Lucas Unified Schools is to provide students with a safe atmosphere, balanced curriculum, and a progressive education that will help the students become active, well-educated and responsible citizens. Utilizing technology, communications, leadership and community involvement; the staff will challenge students to reach their fullest potential and prepare them for post-secondary education or entry into the workforce.

Sylvan-Lucas Unified School District has made a commitment to technological advancements so that staff and students will be equipped to work successfully in our complex world in the future.

USD 299 Sylvan-Lucas Unified Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Jeff Starkey, Superintendent of Schools - District Compliance Officer

504 W. 4th Street, Sylvan Grove, KS 67481 / (785)526-7175