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USD 299 Open Enrollment Information

Board Policy JBCC: Enrollment of Nonresident Students


May 1 – Capacities Approved and Openings Released

Open Seats By Grade Level

June 1 – Nonresident Student Application Period Opens

Non-Resident Application for Enrollment

June 30 – Nonresident Application Period Ends

July 1 – 15 – Notice of Denial / Acceptance of Enrollment 




Notice is hereby given pursuant to K.S.A. 72-3126, of a public hearing to be held on the 13th day of November, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Lucas-Sylvan Elementary School regarding the Unified School District No. 299, Lincoln County, Kansas proposed policy to determine the number of nonresident students that the school district has the capacity to accept in each grade level for each school of the school district pursuant to K.S.A. 72-3123, and amendments thereto, including clearly specifying the reasons that the board may use to deny continued enrollment of a nonresident student who is not in good standing.

A representative of the board shall present the board’s proposal for the policy, and the board shall hear testimony regarding the proposed policy.

Site Council Minutes

The Sylvan/Lucas site council met on Monday, October 9, 2023 in the Sylvan High school library.  Members present were:  President, Tammy Cline, Vice-President Michelle Ellenz, secretary, Bernie Hlad, and Mr. Clay Mettlen, Mr. Jeff Starkey, Stephanie Svaty, Zach Hlad, Stacy Meitler, Tyler Gier, Melissa Wacker, Freedom Cain, and STUCO representatives Layne Buttenhoff and Cai Labertew.

The minutes from September 11, 2023 were read and approved. 

New members to the site council are Michelle Brokes and Freedom Cain.

Mr. Starkey and Mr. Mettlen read their reports; STUCO shared the classes and other organizations’ news.

Mr. Starkey said the air conditioner in the high school gym was finished and working well.  There may be a conflict with parent/teacher conferences on October 26 due to football playoffs.  He will let everyone know.

Members brought to the table the possibility of having membership and minutes from our meeting shared on our school website and Facebook page.  All agreed this would be beneficial.

Updating the sign on the highway north of town to include other achievements such as forensics, music and art.  Zach asked about having a sign on the south side of town as well.

No action taken; lengthy discussion.

Discussion about the possibility of moving junior high volleyball and football to the high school.  There is concern with the health and accessibility of the gym; especially no rails and the smell.

Mr. Starkey said there could be options as far as maybe finding funding to repair, improve the gym.  Stephanie suggested doing a survey directed to parents to see what their thoughts were.  Mr. Starkey will also check with the board tonight to see what their thoughts are.  Tabled until next month.

Tammy asked about discounted activity passes for the alumni that come to the games?  Mr. Starkey said that we have not raised our ticket prices for years.  Stephanie suggested the Booster Club pay for tickets for the seniors.  No action taken.

With no other business, positive comments were shared by all.  Stephanie motioned to adjourn the meeting and Zach 2nd; meeting adjourned at 7:23 pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Bernie Hlad, secretary

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Unpaid Meal Charges Info

FUNDRAISERS short one.docx


Finding a Summer Meals Site

Are you a parent or guardian looking for meal sites near you? Find a summer site in your community with our Summer Meals Site Finder mapping tool. You can also text “Summer Meals” to 914-342-7744 or call 1-866-348-6479 to find a site near you.

USD 299 Mission Statement

The Mission of Sylvan-Lucas Unified Schools is to provide students with a safe atmosphere, balanced curriculum, and a progressive education that will help the students become active, well-educated and responsible citizens. Utilizing technology, communications, leadership and community involvement; the staff will challenge students to reach their fullest potential and prepare them for post-secondary education or entry into the workforce.

Sylvan-Lucas Unified School District has made a commitment to technological advancements so that staff and students will be equipped to work successfully in our complex world in the future.

USD 299 Sylvan-Lucas Unified Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Jeff Starkey, Superintendent of Schools - District Compliance Officer

504 W. 4th Street, Sylvan Grove, KS 67481 / (785)526-7175