McCollom PTO News

Updated February 20, 2024

Hello McCollom community and welcome to our PTO page!  Thank you for taking a minute to check us out.  We hope this can be a helpful site to visit to see about upcoming PTO sponsored events and news about what we are doing for our school and how you can help! 

PTO is such a wonderful resource for our school.  We work to give the staff and students the best environment that we can.  PTO assists teachers and students by contributing in many ways: 

We understand that it is hard to make it to our monthly meetings after school, so we are hoping this page can act as a resource to keep you informed.  If you are ever able to join us, we would love to have you to share your ideas and input.  We generally meet the first Tuesday of the month at 4:30 in the library.  Even if you can't consistently come, coming on the days that it happens to work with your schedule is always an option!  

PTO doesn't need to be a major commitment.  Any help you are able to give we would greatly appreciate, even if it can only be a one hour shift at one of our events! We WANT to do fun, awesome, amazing events for our students and families, but we can not do it if we don't have the manpower.   Help us make McCollom the best elementary school around!  

Current board members include:

Upcoming PTO events:   

Meeting Notes:

PTO February 13, 2024

We fnally got to meet up again for the first time this year after our snow days in January! 





What We Need:

Please let us know by filling out the form at the bottom of the site if you would be willing to assist with any of the following tasks: 

Staff Appreciation

When you hover on the table below, you will need to click on the gray button on the top right corner to open the link to actually sign up/fill in the table. 

Themes do not have to be crazy.  It can be as simple as ice cream, donuts, candy, coffee, tea, pop, etc.!  The staff will be so grateful just to be thought of.

Dates can also easily be altered if you are really interested in doing a month, but the set day doesn't work for you.

Let us know if you have any troubles or questions! (

Monthly Teacher Celebration Sign Up

How can you help?

We are always looking for ways to include our families and community in our school.