Chapter Supporter Recognition

 Humboldt FCCLA is incredibly grateful for the support and generosity of our community partners. Their commitment to our mission and investment in the success of our members is what allows us to continue providing life changing experiences and opportunities.

We are proud to recognize the following individuals and organizations for their unwavering support:

Bronze Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

In addition to our community sponsors, our organization would not be the success that it is without the support of our teachers, administrators and school board. We cannot express our gratitude enough. USD 258 supports Learners Today becoming Leaders Tomorrow. 

Check out what other amazing things our school district is up to by visiting their website!

Looking for other information you can't find here? Check out one these other websites:  

Visit our District Website, District H FCCLA

Visit our State Website, Kansas FCCLA

Visit the National FCCLA Website