About Us

William Allen White Elementary

William Allen White Elementary is a K-5 school in the Emporia USD 253 school district. We have just over 200 children in attendance. We are a Title 1 school with 75% economically disadvantaged students. Our assessment scores had stagnated or dropped at several grade levels, so we made the decision to redesign in the spring of 2018.

Ethnicity: White = 46%, Hispanic = 43%, Other = 11%

ELL = 27%

Students with Disabilities = 21%

Our attendance rate is in the upper 90%, but we struggle with tardies.

If you'd like to come for a visit please complete this Google form OR contact Sheri Bonnet, sheri.bonnet@usd253.net or Jandee Kruse, jandee.kruse@usd253.net