Ideas for Instruction

The "Big Ideas" to Keep in Mind

When Snap&Read is made available to everyone by Universal Design, students are empowered to take ownership of their learning!

Watch how this teacher sets clear expectations and provides access to tools for his entire class. What are some ways you can increase access for everyone, across educational settings?

2. Give students "sandbox" time and recognize effort.

Just as you would when introducing a new math manipulative, give the students a few minutes to "play" in the app. You'll be surprised at what they can teach you- and their peers! Praise students as they learn new skills and share their knowledge with others. 

3. Start small: choose 1 tool feature for classwide use.

Make it part of your instruction. For example, teach your kids to use the read aloud tool in Safari, which pairs well with web research tasks. Consider a "tool of the week" where everyone learns a feature together!

Ideas for Integration During Instruction

Make it Fun with a Snap&Read Bingo Board!

Snap and Read Bingo .pdf

A bingo board is a great way to make it fun to try new skills. It's a great way to track progress, too! 

   4/12/23 Elementary PD session 


How are you using Snap&Read with your students? Please send Joy or Kim an email, video, and/or picture so that we can share your ideas!

Additional ideas from Snap&Read:

Snap Explorer

Check out the site for ready-made example lessons!