About Me

Family Adventures

In my free time, I enjoy going on adventures with my husband and children. We especially love exploring Los Angeles. Whether hiking, or gardening, or playing at the beach together -- we find fun in everything we do!





Time with PhD Friends

We have an amazing group of PhD students at USC!

I feel incredibly honored to be a part of this cohort. Not only do we make time to share our ideas and collaborate, but also, we make time to celebrate all of our hard work together! From bachelorette parties to baby showers, I will cherish all of the memories we've made together over the years. And I look forward to continuing to think on and one day answer all of these important research questions together!

Celebrating Halloween together

Conquering LA escape rooms!

Los Angeles Football Club game

Allison's graduation ceremony


Before starting the PhD program (and having children), I traveled a great deal for work and pleasure. Some of my favorite memories are backpacking in Europe and in South America with my husband.

I really enjoy meeting new people, trying new things, and experiencing new cultures. As our kids grow older, I look forward to exploring the world with them!




Machu Picchu