CLASS BULLETIN BOARD - 2nd Sem 2020-2021


Psychology Instructor


URS-Taytay Campus

Greetings! Welcome to our Online Class Bulletin Board

I will be using this platform to provide information, update, announcement and important links related to our class.

The University of Rizal System (URS) as an organized academic entity composed of separate but interrelated units coordinates and integrates system-wide functions and activities. It has the prime mandate of providing instruction, research, extension and production to the public.


The leading University in human resource development, knowledge and technology generation and environmental stewardship


The University of Rizal System is committed to nurture and produce upright and competent graduates and empowered community through relevant and sustainable higher professional and technical instruction, research, extension and production services.


R – Responsiveness

I – Integrity

S – Service

E – Excellence

S – Social Responsibility

“Nurturing tomorrow’s noblest.”


  • Quality and Excellence

  • Relevance and Responsiveness

  • Access and Equity

  • Efficiency and Effectiveness


“The University of Rizal System commits to deliver excellent products and services to ensure total stakeholders’ satisfaction in instruction, research, extension, production and dynamic administrative support and to continuously improve its Quality Management System processes to satisfy all applicable requirements”.

About me

Psychology Instructor since 2016 and concurrently serving as Guidance Coordinator at the University of Rizal System-Taytay Campus. He became a Registered Psychometrician (RPm) in 2014; received his Masters in Inter-Asia NGO Studies (MAINS) at the Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; and a candidate of Master in Psychology at the PUP-Graduate School, Manila.

Live life, Love life!

2nd Semester 2020-2021 Schedule

7:00-8:30 MW CW 1 The Contemporary World 3 I - BSP

8:30-10:00 MW Psy 13 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 3 III - BSP

11:30-1:00 TTh CW 1 The Contemporary World 3 III- BSN & II-BSN

1:00-2:30 TTh Psy 7 Experimental Psychology (Lec) 3 II - BSP

2:30-5:30 TTh Psy 7 Experimental Psychology (Lab) 2 II - BSP

9:00-12:00 F Psy14 Research in Psychology 3 III - BSP

1:00-4:00 F Psy Elec2 Group Dynamics 3 III - BSP

TOTAL 20 Units

BSN2&3 CW1 - The Contemporary World Links

BSP1 CW1 - The Contemporary World Links

BSP2 Psy7 - Experimental Psychology (Lec and Lab) Links

BSP 3 Links

Psy 13 Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Psy14 Research in Psychology

Psy Elec2 Group Dynamics



1) Attendance - 10%

  • Synchronous Log in and Log out

2) Student Engagement - 20%

    • Recitation/Discussion in Google Classroom

    • FB Posts and Comments

    • Participation in Group Discussion/Exchange (Classroom and FB)

3) Requirements/Project - 20%

  • Reflection Paper

  • Group Work

4) Exam - 50% (Prelim/Midterm/Finals)


a) Prelim Grade = 10% Attendance + 20% Student Engagement + 20% Requirements + 50% Prelim Exam

b) Midterm Grade = 10% Attendance + 20% Student Engagement + 20% Requirements + 50% Midterm Exam

c) Finals Grade = 10% Attendance + 20% Student Engagement + 20% Requirements + 50% Final Exam)

d) Final Grade = Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Finals Grade = Sum/3 = Average (Final Grade)

Academic Integrity Honor Pledge

I (name), with Student ID Number (number), as a student of the College of Nursing, University of Rizal System-Taytay Campus, I pledge to adhere to this Academic Integrity Honor Code. I subscribe and will follow Article VI on Rules and Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline contained in the URS Student Handbook of 2013. I commit to uphold the highest standards of ethics and academic integrity as epitomized in the university’s motto “Nurturing Tomorrow’s Noblest”.

In addition, I pledge to follow all rules for exams and assignments, as specified by the course instructor, and the guidelines provided in the Student Handbook which include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) I understand that I must develop the ability to work entirely alone on homework, quizzes, exams or any course assignment that requires individual output

2) I will not share information about any aspect of any assignment, exams, etc. with other students without express permission from the instructor.

3) I will direct all questions concerning homework, quizzes, exams or any course assignment to the instructor

4) I understand that my failure to comply or commit any academic integrity offense may result in penalties as deemed by the Student Disciplinary Tribunal.

By ticking yes to this Academic Integrity Honor Pledge I assure that my parents/guardian have seen this document and they agree and support me in committing to this pledge.

__ YES

__ NO – (if ticking NO provide an explanation and email to )

Name of Student

Student ID Number

Email Address

Parents/Guardian Name/s



Name of Subject

Name of Instructor

Note - a google form link will be provided for you to reply to this pledge.