UEC Values

Welcome to our UEC Values site!

At our Annual Staff Retreat in 2019, we began a conversation to refresh and update our values. Since then, many discussions and conversations have taken place. These have resulted in 5 values that we hope will inform and guide our work and relationships at the Center.

Our Vision

We believe that by inspiring generations to build environmental curiosity, understanding and respect we can restore hope and heal our urban natural world, neighborhood by neighborhood.

Our Mission

We connect people in cities to nature and each other.

Click on any of the Values above to read more about them. For each value there are several "Practices and Behaviors" listed that demonstrate examples of how the values show-up in our work. We don't claim to have mastered these practices and behaviors, we are striving toward them and we recognize that some days they are easier than others. We celebrate progress over perfection as we work toward these values.