College Scholarship Auditions

Seniors intending to major or minor in Theatre (performance, technical, or education) in college are eligible to audition for college scholarships while in attendance at the Iowa Thespian Festival. Seniors who are also inducted members of Thespian Troupe #8416 are eligible to audition for the Iowa Thespian Scholarship. These auditions will be in front of a large panel of Midwest college representatives; in years past, several of our students have been offered large scholarship packages at the Festival while other students were contacted by the colleges with scholarship offers in the following weeks.* Only 2020 graduates are eligible to audition for the College and Thespian Scholarships.

ALL applicants will need to fill out a separate online registration (registration form is at the bottom of the page) , submit a formal theatre resume, provide reference letters, and submit a headshot (need not be professional).


  • Applicants will be given a two-minute time limit for performance auditions.
  • All performances must be solo presentations.
  • You will be asked to begin with an introduction (name; school; name of selections) and then your two minutes will begin.
  • The introduction is not included in your time limit. Time will be called if you exceed the two-minute time limit.
  • You will not receive written or oral critiques from the college representatives or the Thespian Scholarship Selection Committee.

Students should showcase their best two-minutes of performance. This could be one monologue or song, two contrasting monologues or songs, or one song and one monologue. The performance area will be approximately 5’x5’. No special lighting will be available. One straight back chair will be provided. You may not use additional set pieces or hand props. Costumes are not permitted.

Musical auditions must include pre-recorded accompaniment (NO LIVE INSTRUMENTATION WILL BE ALLOWED). You may have one person (student or adult) play the music for your performance. Please bring your own device/speakers for your music! This will help ensure your accompaniment will work!

There will NOT be a question and answer session during the initial performance audition. However, if you receive a callback for the Iowa Thespian Scholarship, each performer will re-perform AND have a brief question/answer session with the Selection Committee.


  • Applicants will be given a five-minute time limit on technical auditions.
  • Begin with an introduction (name and school). Time begins when the introduction ends.
  • Please prepare a presentation showcasing your technical expertise and portfolio
  • Students must provide their own presentation aides and/or laptop. Power outlets are available.
  • Poster boards, photos, or other exhibition materials are encouraged.

Each student auditioning in the area of technical theatre MUST prepare a portfolio that illustrates his or her expertise in technical theatre. Recommended content includes renderings, sketches, models, and/or illustrations of scenic or costume designs, light plots, drafting, blueprints, and or photographs of design work. If you are interested in stage management, publicity, or theatre administration, include production journals, prompt books, or marketing materials in your portfolio.


  • Applicants will be given a five-minute time limit on Theatre Educator auditions.
  • Begin with an introduction (name and school). Time begins when the introduction ends.
  • Please prepare a presentation showcasing your desire to become a Theatre Educator
  • The presentation may include a potential lesson plan, a portfolio outlining a variety of experiences and work in theatre, including documentation such as programs and photos.
  • Students must provide their own presentation aides, including laptops to show video or PowerPoint presentations. Power outlets are available in the audition room.
  • Poster boards, photos, or other exhibition materials are encouraged.

Your presentation should be a concise explanation of your desire to be a Theatre Educator. The presentation may include a description of your past work and future goals. Theatre Educator candidates may share a potential lesson plan during their presentation. Time will be called if you exceed five minutes.

THEATRE FOR LIFE: For a non-communicative arts major who will use skills learned from theatre in their future career – currently “under construction” and application information is not yet available here.

You will be responsible for preparing your audition on your own; in 2019, you may reach out to your other theatre and music teachers for preparation guidance. Mr. Knapp may have some time to work with you but must know ASAP and Mr. Gallegos will have a limited opportunity to meet with you prior to the Festival due to Twelfth Night schedule.

The extra fee associated with the College Scholarship Auditions will be paid for by the Urbandale Thespian Troupe #8416 as a courtesy to our seniors, but please plan to reimburse the $20.00 fee if you drop the audition.

To read all of the Iowa Thespian Festival’s guidelines for scholarship applicants, go HERE.


As you prepare for your audition, know that you will want to prepare a resume and a headshot in addition to your monologues and portfolios. Samples are available below. You will also need Mr. Knapp, Troupe Director, to write you a letter of recommendation.

If you would like assistance in creating your resume, click on the sample below.

For Mr. Knapp to write a recommendation, please submit the following:

  • Your headshot
  • Your theatrical resume
  • A business resume, if you have one
  • Your current GPA & a list of any advanced courses you’ve taken
  • Community service work
  • Jobs or other extra-curricular activities or notable achievements outside of theatre that show you off as a well-rounded, attractive candidate
  • College/Thespian Scholarship Candidate Troupe Director Recommendation Form