Tech Crew/CMPP Crew

*Back for the 2024-25 School Year*

Last year we Tried something new  for the year by splitting up teams in a way that we can be more efficient with how our crew accomplishes the work needed to be done. How did it work? We split into Tech Crew and CMPP (Camp) Crew

Tech Crew will focus on Scenic Construction, Scenic Painting, Lighting and Sound, and Projections.

CMPP Crew will focus on Costumes, Makeup, Props, Puppets, and Publicity.

Interested in being apart of the Tech Crew for She Kills Monsters?

The following positions are part of the General Production Team. Our process of applications for design and head roles will be located under the tab Student Leadership Positions.  We have also this year split  these General Production Crew positions into Pre Production Crew and Show Run Crew. Pre Production is the building and leading up to the show while Show Run Crew is during the run of the tech/dress rehearsals and the performances. You may do both but we decided to give them option split it for those that may only have time do or the other but maybe not both. If you have any questions about what these roles involve please use the attached link which gives descriptions of all production roles.

You will need to fill out the online application form - Please Fill out by Sept 2nd

Tech/CMPP Crew application 

Please fill out the form below to apply to be a part of our Tech or CMMP Crew

Both Crews will also need to fill out this  Expectations Sheet with a parent/guardian which is also located at the bottom of this page.

All Crew Interest Meeting - August 28th 3:20 in the PAC

Interested in being a part of crew but have questions on things not listed here or you would want more detail? Join us for the All Crew Interest Meeting after school Friday August 30th in the PAC. If you can't make it you can always email Mr. Knapp at or visit his office in the back of the PAC.

Pre Production Roles

Scenic Crew

Construction Crew Head

Head Scenic Paint Charge

Scenic Construction Crew 

Scenic Paint Crew


Costume Construction Crew


Head Electrician

Electrics Crew


Puppet Construction Crew

Publicity and Community

Publicity Crew

Poster Distribution Crew

Show Run Production Roles

Backstage Crew

Deck Chief/Shift Crew Lead

Run/Shift Crew

Fly Captain

Fly Rail Crew




Costume/Wardrobe Crew Head

Costume/Wardrobe Crew

Quick Change Dresser


Hair/Makeup Head

Hair/Makeup Crew

Specialty Makeup Crew


Light Board Operator

Assistant Light Board Operator

Follow Spot Operator


Sound Board Operator

Assistant Board Operator


Livestream/Video Board Operator

Front of House


Front of House Staff

Here is the link to the Crew Expectation Sheet that must be reviewed and filled out and turned in to Mr. Knapp ASAP.