2022-23 School Year Preparation

CTP Interns & Families: Select the link below for your steps to prepare for the 2022-2023 School Year

New CTP Interns: Complete these steps if you are new to CTP for Fall 2022

Please complete Steps 1 & 2 by August 8, 2022, and Steps 3 & 4 by the first day of school on August 30, 2022. 

STEP 1: Read our Welcome Letter

STEP 2: Complete the following required forms.

STEP 3: Obtain CTP dress code attire for job sites (worn every day) & daily items*

*Most CTP job sites have a dress code. The purpose of the CTP dress code is to prepare students with the business wear for any place they may be interning. It also is designed to keep students safe at job sites and in travel. Dress code is required Mondays through Thursdays; we will let you know once schedules are set if your job site has a more casual dress code. The purpose of daily items is to prepare students for community access with maximum agency and independence, and to do so they need to practice carrying and bringing personal items every day like they will when accessing the community after CTP. 

If dress code poses barriers to participation or if you have questions or need accommodations or adaptations for your student's dress code, please reach out to me at mpatel@upsd83.org. We will work together to meet each intern's needs!.

STEP 4: Complete the following steps to prepare for the first day of CTP and community access:

Optional but recommended: 

Returning CTP Interns: Complete these steps

Please complete Steps 1 & 2 by August 8, 2022, and Steps 3 & 4 by the first day of school on August 30, 2022. 

STEP 1: Complete the following required forms.

STEP 3: Obtain CTP dress code attire for job sites (worn every day) & daily items*

*Most CTP job sites have a dress code. The purpose of the CTP dress code is to prepare students with the business wear for any place they may be interning. It also is designed to keep students safe at job sites and in travel. Dress code is required Mondays through Thursdays; we will let you know once schedules are set if your job site has a more casual dress code. The purpose of daily items is to prepare students for community access with maximum agency and independence, and to do so they need to practice carrying and bringing personal items every day like they will when accessing the community after CTP. 

If dress code poses barriers to participation or if you have questions or need accommodations or adaptations for your student's dress code, please reach out to me at mpatel@upsd83.org. We will work together to meet each intern's needs!.

STEP 3: Complete the following steps to prepare for community access:

Optional but strongly recommended: 

STEP 4: Complete volunteer intake processes for Fall 2021 CTP Job Sites

More information coming soon!